The Power of Dreams and Our Power to Create Prophecy

by Rabbi Becky Jaye
...if, like this Pharaoh, we can move beyond the terror to seeking options with an open mind, we may find ourselves with more resources at hand than we ever realized was possible.

Only Love Can Bring Teshuvah

by Rabbi Alon C Ferency
By listening to human narrative, and even re-visiting what’s challenging, chesed recognizes k’vod habriot in each soul and makes an opening for teshuvah.
Rabbi Allan Berkowitz

Being God’s Partner Is A Big To Do

by Rabbi Allan Berkowitz
Wherever there is imperfection in our world — people suffering, an ecosystem in distress, systemic injustice — there are unfinished spaces that call on us in our role as God’s partners. 
Rabbi Avi Killip

Universal and Particular Joy

by Rabbi Avi Killip
Sukkot, as a moment of joy with God, is an essential last step of the process of divine judgment and forgiveness.
Dr. David Arnow

Facing Our Trials with Hope: Abraham and the Akedah

by Dr. David Arnow
A D’var Torah for Rosh Hashanah by David Arnow, Ph.D. From climate change and the erosion of democratic norms to the resurgence of antisemitism and the fight for human rights, one thing is clear: If despair triumphs over hope, we’ll never overcome the challenges we face. Hope enables us to envision a better future and...
Rabbi Claudia Kreiman

Waiting On Our First Fruits

by Rabbi Claudia Kreiman
The work of pursuing justice, healing this world, feels at moments like a desert without a clear destination. The journey is hard and long, but when in the desert, when in the midst of suffering, when in despair, we are commanded not to lose hope.

The Power of Bearing Witness

by Rabbi John A. Linder
Balaam models being an independent and critical thinker... He refuses to stoke the hot coals of fear that demonize the other.  

Transformation Will Only Come Through Honesty About Our Past

by Rabbi Mimi Micner
Nowhere do we see God and the people in a real process of engagement with their history and what is broken in their relationship. With so much left unsaid and unresolved, we should not be surprised to see the same issues in their relationship emerging again and again. 

Stopping to Listen to Complaints

by Rabbi Dan Bronstein
Even if we vehemently disagree with the complaints of others, though, perhaps we have to listen and discern the genuine concerns underlying such dissatisfaction — much as we strive to listen more closely to the Israelites’ culinary complaints. 

The Art of Burden-Bearing

by Rabbi Shani Rosenbaum
I wonder if there might not be some wisdom in “let’s not talk about it”; if the covering might, sometimes, be part of the carrying. 

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