Social Justice: Leadership and Philosophy
Ki Tavo: Inscribing Ourselves with Love During National Recovery Month
What is the Torah inscribed on our lands and in our hearts? What Torah do we bring with us into a new land?
Re’eh: Open Your Hand and Lend Enough
God entrusts us, flawed mortal beings as we are, with the responsibility to figure it out and take care of each other.
Tisha B’Av: Making Reparations after Churban
It is not enough to mourn. Mourning must be accompanied by actions that end the harm being done.
Matot-Masei: Seeing the Good Through the Lens of Our Own Identities
...let us strive to learn from Zelophechad’s daughters, seeking good wherever we can find it.
Pinchas: Finding God in Moments of Despair
We find in our tradition that God dwells not in the destruction, but in the moment right before rebuilding.
Chukat-Balak: Seeing Ourselves Through the Eyes of Others
I like to imagine that Balaam’s words changed us and shook us out of our complaining so that we could see ourselves in a fresh way.
Korach: Holding onto Hope for Korach
When we escalate from anger to contempt, to what 19th century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer described as “the unsullied conviction of the worthlessness of another,” we move our gaze from a person’s actions to their individuality, their personhood.
Behar-Bechukotai: Proclaiming Dror Throughout the Land
...modern American politics have alienated the word dror from the Jewish concept of liberty.
Invite the Erev Rav/Mixed Multitude to join the seder this year
This year I want to be a wise child who asks: “Can I be brave enough to go out and see who is suffering for my freedom?"
Vayikra: Mincha and Roses
To stand for human dignity means not only insisting on the right to basic survival needs, but the right to live fully — to experience joy, pleasure, love, friendship, beauty.