Politics and Elections
Vayechi: Finding Our Protectors and Guides
May we protect one another with whatever vision and creativity we can muster and continue to teach hope and dignity to our children. Let us be strong and strengthen each other.
Devarim: Moses’ Opening Rebuke: Choose Your Leaders Wisely
As we travel into the unknown wilderness of our shared future, may we clearly articulate what we need from our leadership and insist that we be led by wisdom, capable experience, and the commitment to equity for all.
Balak: Bilam’s Donkey: Judaism’s First Emotional Support Animal
As we draw nearer to the November elections, we see constant reminders that our democracy is a work-in-progress. By practicing democracy — working to get out the vote, engaging in conversation, writing letters to the editor — we will make democracy a reality.
Yitro: The Jewish Case for Protecting Voting Rights in 2024
As inheritors of a multi-vocal Jewish tradition that welcomes dissent and minority opinions, allowing people the chance to freely, legally, and openly participate in the democratic process strikes me as very Jewish. So to look at some of these harsh policies that stifle the voices of the downtrodden contradicts so much of what we hold dear in Judaism.
Chayei Sara: Calling Politicians to the City Gate this Election Day
“All politics is local.” That phrase was associated with the late U.S. Congressman and former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill. This week features an Election Day. With so much of our attention focused on Israel and Gaza, we might be tempted to miss all the local and state elections happening this week. As if...
A Pandemic of Polarization
Strategically, we stand a better chance of finding our way if we do not dismiss (other's) capacity for moral reasoning. We stand a better chance of moving their hearts if we assume they have one.
Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied
A D’var Torah for Parshat Vayeshev by Rabbi Jeremy Kridel “And I — where am I to go!?” (Gen. 37:30, trans. Everett Fox) Thus Reuben, the eldest of Jacob’s sons, cries out after Joseph is taken into slavery in Parshat Vayeshev, sold during Reuben’s absence. A closer look at Reuben’s story reminds us: Justice delayed...
When One Line Makes All the Difference
Yet to this day it taught me a most valuable lesson: the power of representation. The power of one line in a teaching, sermon, saying of a teacher, or political statement. Because it might seem minor to so many, yet you never know who is going to be the nine-year-old who might find themselves in it.
Redigging the wells
In the struggle over democracy, it is not just about big ideas, levers of power, or sums of money: It is about human lives.
Taking to the Streets: A Checklist for Action
A working document based upon guides from PG Watkins of The BlackOUT Collective and Frontline Election Defenders Tefillat HaDerech (The Travelers’ Prayer): May it be Your will, our God and God of our ancestors, that You lead us in peace and direct our steps in peace, and guide us in peace, and support us in...