Tisha B’Av: Making Reparations after Churban

by Rabbi Lynn Gottleib
It is not enough to mourn. Mourning must be accompanied by actions that end the harm being done. 

“Who Tells Your Story?”

by Rabbi Ariana Capptauber
Today a fierce battle rages over the telling of American history. Politicians on either side of the political spectrum are fighting to control the historical narrative taught to children in schools. Is the story of America one of heroic struggle and benevolent, exceptional rule? Or is it a story of a colonizing power that exploited, oppressed, and exterminated non-white peoples?

If Only I Had Known, I Would Have Changed For The Better

by Rabbi Jesse Paikin
For the rest of us, it took ground penetrating radar, and other technologies which render the invisible visible, to wake us up. But for the Indigenous communities most directly affected, none of that was needed. The voices we most desperately need to be listening to already knew. They already saw.

A Commitment to Justice Means Remembering Our Tribes

by Rabbi Josh Weisman
But whether or not the Sinai wilderness was ever ownerless as the midrash suggests, in North America, the so-called wildernesses never have been. Those places — and indeed every square mile of North America — have always been, and continue to be, the home of specific tribes of Indigenous peoples.

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