Rabbi Noah Arnow

Vayetze: Could Israel Have Done Better? Can We?

by Rabbi Noah Arnow
May we have the courage to engage across difference. May we find partners who warrant and share that courage, and may we merit their courage. And may we be certain of the incompleteness of our truth, yet dedicated to seeking a truth that is more whole.
Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy

Lech Lecha: Land, Safety, Peoplehood, Pain

by Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy
Land, for Jews and all peoples, equals safety, security, and sustained fruitfulness. It is home. May we always be grounded in the knowledge that the gift of land and the blessing of home hinges entirely on the choices we make, day after day, to co-exist peaceably with others, as neighbors, as family.

Resources for Responding to Israel-Gaza War

by Rabbi Matthew Dreffin, Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson, Rabbi Jenna Shaw
We offer these texts as starting points for rabbis and cantors to speak to their communities after this first full week of war. When we have no real answers to provide people in this painful time of uncertainty, the best we can do is offer teaching that orients and grounds us.
Rabbi Amy Eilberg

Rosh Hashanah: Teshuvah, Tefilah, and Tzedakah in Israel

by Rabbi Amy Eilberg
'On Rosh Hashanah, it is written and on Yom Kippur, it is sealed: How many will die and how many will be born? Who will live and who will die?' This is one of the most beloved and troubling of Rosh Hashanah prayers. But such is the power of great poetry.
A woman in kippah and blazer speaks into a megaphone with protest in background

Israel Resources for Clergy: High Holidays 5784

by Rabbi Amy Eilberg
Resources for Jewish clergy preparing to talk and teach about Israel on the High Holidays.

Tisha B’Av: Making Reparations after Churban

by Rabbi Lynn Gottleib
It is not enough to mourn. Mourning must be accompanied by actions that end the harm being done. 

Devarim: The Rights and Responsibilities of the Diaspora

by Rabbi Laurie Green
Israel is too important for us to throw up our hands and turn away, just because it feels like we’re losing. Israel needs us and we need them.

Naso: “And the Woman Shall Say: ‘Amen, Amen’”

by Julia Knobloch
...being in Israel over the last several months has shown me almost daily how easy it is to defile something that’s important to us because of zealotry and jealousy. 

Prayer for North American Jews on the 75th Anniversary of Israel’s Founding

by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen
A prayer by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen for the State of Israel.

Connecting Parshat Tazria-Metzora to the Moment in Israel

by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen
A resource for clergy speaking about Israel at 75.

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