“Satiety Leads to Rebellion”

The problem with taking my children to Disney World is that upon returning home, they kvetch about wanting to return to the Happiest Place on Earth. The thousands of junky Disney calories and hundreds of amusements lead my children and, I must ruefully confess, me, to “grow fat and kick”,” in the words of the...

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High Holiday Resources for 5785

We offer these texts, sermon ideas, articles, talking points, and insights about the Israel-Hamas war and its reverberating effects to make it a little easier to meet the needs of your community at a tremendously difficult time. 
Photo of the author, Rabbi David Chapman

Ekev: When Our Leaders Gaslight Us

by Rabbi David Chapman
The world becomes more dangerous when leaders cannot be trusted and incontrovertible facts are subject to manipulation. Our responsibility, both as leaders and as citizens who elect them, is to value accountability.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Maya Zinkow

VaEt’chanan: Al HaMar VeHamatok: For These Things I Weep

by Rabbi Maya Zinkow
We are not just meant to see the good land, but the whole of it, even what is hard to look at. And when we witness injustice, bitterness, and badness, we are meant to take up the sacred task of picking up the shattered pieces of destruction and building something good, building something worth gazing upon.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Suzie Jacobson

Devarim: Moses’ Opening Rebuke: Choose Your Leaders Wisely

by Rabbi Suzie Jacobson
As we travel into the unknown wilderness of our shared future, may we clearly articulate what we need from our leadership and insist that we be led by wisdom, capable experience, and the commitment to equity for all.
photo of the author, Emily Bella

Together Toward Redemption: Matot-Masei and the Nine Days

by Emily Bell
The necessary work of teshuva cannot be completed by one individual alone. Rather, our mandate to uphold God’s name “in truth, in justice and in righteousness” can only be achieved through collective action.

Pinchas: If the Law Is Wrong, Change It

by Savannah Lipner
The daughters of Zelophehad had previously been disenfranchised by the system but were able to advocate for themselves and not only did God heed their request, God changed the law entirely. We must act as the daughters of Zelophehad and reconcile the injustices we find.
Photo of the author, Yedida Kanfer

Balak: Bilam’s Donkey: Judaism’s First Emotional Support Animal

by Yedida Kanfer
As we draw nearer to the November elections, we see constant reminders that our democracy is a work-in-progress. By practicing democracy — working to get out the vote, engaging in conversation, writing letters to the editor — we will make democracy a reality.
Photo of the author, Maetal Gerson

Chukat: Leading and Listening

by Maetal Gerson
Facing the climate change disaster means facing one another with respect and sincere empathy. Only then can we manage the amount of work it will take to fix that in which each of us has a stake.
Photo of the author, Emet Eviatar

Korach: What Does It Mean to Be a Free People?

by Emet Eviatar
A truly free people accepts its covenants without coercion. As we work for a better world, one of true dignity and equality for all, it’s important to remember that.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson

Sh’lach-Lecha: Israel/Palestine Buddy Cop Edition

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
Perhaps this midrash holds out a hope that any of us can be transformed to meet the needs of the moment. And perhaps we can find a way to change the course of today’s story so it does not have to end in wholesale destruction.

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