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Rabbi Margo Hughes-Robinson

Beshalach: No More Solitary Confinement in NYC

by Rabbi Margo Hughes-Robinson
There is a deep and abiding power in saying to those who have died as a result of solitary confinement. We cannot bring back those we lost, but we can sanctify their memories by continuing to fight for a city that is dedicated to human rights for all.
Rabbi Amelia Wolf

Bo: What the 10th Plague and Missiles Have in Common

by Rabbi Amelia Wolf
A missile cannot tell righteous from wicked.
Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein

VaEra: It’s Our Time to be the Protagonists of History

by Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein
In this moment, we do not know how things will turn out, in Israel or the U.S. But if Torah and history have anything to teach us, it is that whatever happens is not inevitable, and the catalyst will not be something we could have predicted in advance. This moment, like all moments, is full of possibility. It will be those with proactive vision who will move history, just as it always has been.
Cantor Sheri Allen

Shemot: The Burning Bush in my Backyard

by Cantor Sheri Allen
Despite his reservations, [Moses] is able to see that God’s presence illuminates even the most unassuming, seemingly dark and thorny places. May we, with all our insecurities, do the same.
Rabbi Daniel Plotkin

Vayechi: Blessing Israel to Be a Levi

by Rabbi Daniel Plotkin
Peace is difficult. It requires understanding, listening, and a great deal of courage. May we have the courage to speak this truth to power, and may those in power have the courage to hear our message.
screenshot of webinar with Jonathan Crane

Watch: Israel-Hamas War Public Webinars

Since the attacks on October 7, T'ruah has offered public webinars for prayer and mourning, to engage with the moral challenges of the war, and to hear from staff who traveled to the region.
Rabbi Soshana Brown

Vayigash: Can We Dream Bigger?

by Cantor Shoshana Brown
What I think is needed in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories today is the will to break the chain of the blame-game. We need a new generation of dreamers — those who can imagine a future of peace and prosperity for both Palestinians and Israelis together.
Rabbi Philip Gibbs

Miketz: The Dangers of Finding Political Meaning in Suffering

by Rabbi Philip Gibbs
As we continue to watch the unfolding events in the war in Gaza, we need to distinguish between suffering and accountability.
Headshot of Amelia Wolf

Vayeshev, Yosef’s brothers, and Gaza

by Rabbi Amelia Wolf
"More and more I begin to believe that we are as defined by those calls for help we do not answer than as by those calls that we do."
Rabbi Ian Chesir-Teran

Vayeshev: No to Nekamah

by Rabbi Ian Chesir-Teran
This Chanukah, let’s choose to follow the examples of Joseph and Tamar, and say no to nekamah. When the time comes to say the “Al Hanissim” prayer, let’s skip the vengeful words “nakamta et nikmatam.”

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