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Photo of the author, Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal

Shoftim: The Imperfection of Justice

by Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal
We all must work towards a more just society, understanding and accepting that we will never attain perfection.
Rabbi Lizz Goldstein

Shoftim: “Thus Blood of the Innocent Will not be Shed” The Necessity of Sanctuary

by Rabbi Lizz Goldstein
A self-proclaimed “melting pot,” a country that declared its independence by asserting that all men are created equal, should continue to be a sanctuary and refuge.
Michael Zoosman quote

Abolition, Abolition Shall You Pursue!

by Cantor Michael Zoosman
...justice comes in many forms. It is not, as many mistakenly think, mostly punishment and consequences.

Doing Justice Justly

by Darren Walker
When our methods are just, our system doesn’t grant privileges to the powerful and strip protections from the vulnerable. As the Torah formulates it this week, “You shall not judge unfairly: you shall show no partiality; you shall not take bribes.” The justice system ought to represent all equally...

How Is This Fair?

by Rabbi Amy Small
Rabbi Amy Small asks us to widen the path of justice in this week's d'var Torah on Parshat Shoftim.

Justice and Compassion (Parshat Shoftim)

by Rabbi Nelly Altenburger
Commentary on Parshat Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9) Parshat Shoftim opens with the injunction of setting judges and officers within your gates (Deut. 16:18). The proximity of Parshat Shoftim to the month of Elul has given way to an interesting inner connection, brought by several Hasidic masters (Avodat Israel, Devarim, Shoftim 1 ; Sefat Emet,...

Doubled Justice, Single Planet

by Rabbi Katy Z. Allen
“Justice, justice you shall pursue.” (Deut.16:20) Perhaps no words from Torah are more famous, or more fully express the fundamental passion of Judaism for justice – justice for the poor, the widow, the orphan – for all those whom society might otherwise reject. Justice is even considered “more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice” (Prov....

Pursue Justice So That You May Truly Live

by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
This week’s Torah portion contains one of the most famous justice-related verses in Torah: “צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף, / tzedek tzedek tirdof” — “Justice, justice shall you pursue!” Although the parsha begins with the injunction to establish judges, this instruction — to pursue justice — doesn’t seem to be aimed solely at those whose job it...

The Pursuit of Justice

by Rabbi Stanley Levy
This week’s parshah opens with the command, “Give yourself judges and administrators to carry out just decisions…” (Deut. 16:18) On the face of it, this seems to be about how society should be ordered. It needs police, judges, lawyers, and a whole mechanism of justice in order to function rightly. Rather than each individual carrying...

Cleaning up the mess together

by Rabbi Paula Marcus
One of my favorite programs at my synagogue is our B’nei Mitzvah family retreat. At the beginning of the summer, we take our incoming seventh grade families to camp for the weekend. It’s remarkable: relationships between kids change, parents get to know each other, and, after the Bar or Bat Mitzvah, we keep most of...

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