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Headshot of Rabbi Andrea Goldstein

Ki Tisa: Democracies and Holiness Require Open Space

by Rabbi Andrea Goldstein
Only from an open and spacious heart can I experience a connection to what is holy. When I am focused on what I want and need, or when I am filled up with my own sense of righteousness, then what I have created within is actually a Golden Calf instead of my own small sanctuary.

What’s “Anger” Got to Do With It?

by Cantor Nancy Kassel
When anger is a mode of life or when expressed in an unjustified manner, it is prohibited by Judaism. But if a person is wronged, they are allowed to express their natural feelings, including anger.

From Furious to Curious

by Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein
I wonder how the story would have unfolded if God had been curious rather than furious, and if when Moses came down from the mountain and witnessed the dancing, he had been able to pause and observe, noticing the feelings arising and waiting to respond until his anger had quieted down. Was it reasonable to expect these newly freed slaves, who were just beginning to experiment with their sense of autonomy, to simply wait patiently for Moses to return? 

What’s So Bad About the Golden Calf?

by Daniel Handler
In this d'var Torah for Parshat Ki Tisa, Daniel Handler struggles with symbols that become more important than morals.

Sacred Noncompliance (Parshat Ki Tisa)

by Margo Hughes-Robinson
Commentary on Parshat Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11 – 34:35) The Golden Calf is one of the most spiritually disturbing incidents in the narrative of the Israelites’ journey through the desert. While Moses is away on the mountain with God, the Israelite camp dissolves into a chaos of mistrust and idol worship under the care of...

Mob vs. Movement: Ki Tisa and the Power of the People

by Rabbi Yaakov Komisar
A group of people, fighting for a cause. It seems powerful, it seems romantic, it seems like the way to build a movement and achieve progress. But what distinguishes a movement from a mob? Five weeks ago, we stood together in shul and listened to the parshah’s recounting of the Torah’s climactic moment: the receiving...

Holy Disruption

by Mimi Micner
You could imagine the look on people’s faces when a group of rabbis, donned in kippot and talitot, walked into their Publix Supermarket in Florida this past December. On a delegation to support the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) in their fight for dignity and human rights for Florida tomato farmers, we went to the...

Other No More: Ki Tisa as a Response to Transgender Violence

by Rabbi Jessica Minnen
Great sadness accompanies my study of this week’s Torah portion, Ki Tisa, and I turn to the text in memory of Kristina Gomez Reinwald, the seventh confirmed transgender murder victim, as of this writing, in 2015. In no small part because of the endemic nature of intimate partner violence in our society, I approach intimacy...

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