Rabbinic Letter

How Jews Are Fighting for Racial Justice
T’ruah’s public message for Martin Luther King Day 2020: Dear Supporter, As people around the country remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we at T’ruah are honoring him by preparing for our next delegation to Montgomery, Alabama. One week from today, we will be visiting the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy...

Stop Torture Now: A Complete Rabbinic Sourcebook
This is T’ruah’s primary resource booklet on government-sponsored torture, originally published in 2005. It includes the shorter versions of Rabbi Melissa Weintraub’s articles on torture and Jewish law, insertions for High Holidays services, materials for study and discussion, and the original public letter to the Bush Administration, signed by over 800 rabbis and cantors. The full-length versions...

Rabbinic Letter Against Asylum Seeker Deportations
The following letter, organized by T’ruah, the New Israel Fund, HIAS, and Right Now, was delivered to two Israeli embassies and seven consulates on January 30, 2018. Over 900 rabbis, cantors, and rabbinical/cantorial students signed it; the names below represent the initial signatories. Click here for the original URL and to add your name. ...
T’ruah Shadow Report to UN: Solitary Confinement and U.S. Compliance with Convention Against Torture
In 2014, T’ruah submitted a shadow report to the UN arguing that America’s use of solitary confinement violates the Convention Against Torture. This report weaves together Jewish text with human rights law.
For the Honor of Torah: A Rabbinic Response to Rabbi Dov Lior
For the honor of Torah: A rabbinic response to Rabbi Dov Lior

2013 Rabbinic Letter on Bedouin Rights
In 2013, nearly 800 rabbis, cantors, and rabbinical and cantorial students signed this letter, which was delivered to the Israeli government. As spiritual and Jewish community leaders who care deeply about the State of Israel, we write to you in solidarity with concerned Jewish and Arab Israelis to urge you to withdraw the Bill on...