Our hearts are with our families, friends, and colleagues, and all residents of Israel who are running for cover at the sound of sirens and rousing their children from their beds to take refuge in bomb shelters. T’ruah strongly condemns the deliberate targeting of civilians as a clear violation of international human rights law and a violation of the sanctity of human life. We affirm Israel’s right to defend its citizens and we pray for their safety.
We ache for the ever-growing list of children and civilians hurt and killed in Gaza in the course of this mounting conflict. We know that escalation of violence only increases pain and suffering. We urge Israel to take all measures to avoid civilian casualties.
As calls for revenge resound worldwide, we urge peacefulness and restraint over vengeance. We implore Israeli and Palestinian leaders to recommit themselves to the teaching that each human life is created in the image of the divine.
As we read in our parashah this week, may the passions on both sides be calmed with a “brit shalom,” a covenant of peace.

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