T’ruah Statement on Jerusalem Bus Attack
April 18, 2016
T’ruah condemns today’s terrorist attack on a bus in Jerusalem. There can be no political justification for violence against innocent civilians. This constitutes a clear violation of international human rights law, and ignores all religious prohibitions against attempted murder or harm of a creation in the divine image. We call on Palestinian leaders to join...
T’ruah Joins Amicus Briefs Filed in DOMA and Prop 8 Cases Before the United States Supreme Court
March 4, 2013
New York, NY, March 4, 2013- T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights has joined a “friend of the court” briefing filed by a coalition of Jewish organizations in support of marriage equality. The group added an extended interest statement that emphasizes the Jewish and human rights imperative for equality in civil marriage. These two...
“The life of your young children:” T’ruah statement on the murder of Hallel Ariel
June 30, 2016
With shock and heavy hearts, we mourn the tragic murder of 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel z”l and pray for comfort for her family. We condemn this violent act of terror. No political goal justifies the murder of innocent children.
“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference”: T’ruah statement on the death of Elie Wiesel
July 5, 2016
T’ruah joins with the Jewish community and the entire world in mourning the death of Elie Wiesel, z”l, who awakened the world to the horrors of the Holocaust and advocated tirelessly to ensure that such genocide never happens again. He taught us that “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of...
Welcome to T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
January 15, 2013
By now, you should have received our joint email announcing the important news that Rabbis for Human Rights-North America and Rabbis for Human Rights in Israel are ending our fiscal relationship and formal affiliation as of today. Rabbis for Human Rights-North America will now be known as T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. T’ruah...
Important news about the future of Rabbis for Human Rights-North America and Rabbis for Human Rights (Israel)
January 15, 2013
We are writing with some important news about the future of Rabbis for Human Rights (in Israel) and Rabbis for Human Rights-North America. As of today (January 15, 2013), RHR and RHR-NA will end our fiscal relationship and formal affiliation. In recent years, both organizations have grown exponentially, and have engaged more than 1800 rabbis...
Denouncing Racism and Xenophobia in All Circumstances
July 7, 2016
T'ruah joins with Jewish organizations in calling upon our communities, and the American public, to stand against racism, xenophobia and all other forms of hatred and extremism.
Standing Between the Dead and the Living
July 8, 2016
T'ruah's statement on the shootings in Dallas and the killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Michael Schumacher
T’ruah Statement on Israeli Government’s “NGO Bill”
July 12, 2016
T’ruah deplores the passage by the Israeli government of the NGO bill, which singles out human rights and civil society groups for public shaming. The hallmark of a healthy democracy is the existence of a strong civil society. This includes human rights organizations which work to ensure that governments treats every individual under their authority...
T’ruah Statement on Proposed Bill to Annex Ma’aleh Adumim
July 19, 2016
T’ruah opposes the bill proposed in the Knesset to annex Ma’aleh Adumim, the settlement directly east of Jerusalem. Annexing this piece of land, which connects the northern and southern parts of the West Bank, would constitute a dangerous step toward making permanent an occupation that violates the human rights of Palestinians and endangers the lives...