Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Sara LeMesh (she/her) is a cantorial student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (‘26). Sara earned a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from Rice University and a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the Bard College-Conservatory of Music. After graduate school, Sara relocated to San Francisco where she freelanced as a professional opera singer and founded a startup committed to reducing isolation among vulnerable older adults. Sara is a passionate advocate for community services dedicated to reducing loneliness. As part of her Bat Mitzvah project, she volunteered with Bread & Roses Presents, a nonprofit that provides free, live, quality entertainment for people living within institutional settings. She continued to sing volunteer recitals throughout her young adult life, most recently transitioning to performing for incarcerated individuals in places like San Quentin State Prison. In her free time, Sara enjoys running, hiking, checking out modern art museums, and walking with her beloved rescue dog, Rosie.

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