Mimi Micner is currently a rabbinical student at Hebrew College in Newton, Massachusetts. Before attending Hebrew College, she was the Senior New England Campus Organizer with J Street U, where she organized college students for a two state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Before working at J Street U, Mimi was a union organizer with the American Federation of Teachers. Concurrently, she was an Organizing Fellow with the JOIN for Justice Organizing Fellowship. Mimi attended Middlebury College, during which she studied Political Science and was involved in Israeli- Palestinian peace work: she worked in the summer of 2008 with the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) to advocate against house demolitions in East Jerusalem and started a chapter of J Street U at Middlebury College the following year. Mimi lived in India her junior year of college, where she became involved in civil society peace building between India and Pakistan. This year, Mimi serves on the JOIN for Justice Alumni Steering Committee and the Moishe Kavod House Social Justice Committee. Mimi is from Vancouver, British Columbia and now lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.

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