
Terumah: How Much is a Human Being Worth?
Theologically speaking, to be human is to be sacred. Full stop. During human engagement, when we remain mindful of the sanctity of the other person, we bring acknowledgment of our shared holiness and further elevate the other and ourselves.

Our Mishkan — Who Is In and Who is Barred Entry?
Our basic freedoms are under attack. The authoritarian extremists pushing these laws are saying that only they qualify to be in the Mishkan.

How to Make Jewish Sanctuaries Truly Safe
In this week’s portion, Terumah, Moses is given instructions for how to build a sanctuary.

When We Make Art Together, We Dream a Better World Into Existence
A d’var Torah for Terumah (Ex.25:1-27:19) by Caroline Rothstein. I am an artist. That’s been my identity, purpose, and path since I was three years old and slid on ballet shoes to dance across a recital stage. Then came poetry. And nonfiction prose. Then came singing, acting, musical theater, jazz and modern and hip-hop dance,...

Follow Your Heart (Parshat Terumah)
Commentary on Parshat Terumah (Exodus 25:1 – 27:19) Not so very long ago, I was an attorney with an environmental law practice when I heard a rabbi teach that to find one’s true calling, perhaps one should be working on the thing that they felt was most in need of repair in the world. I...

The Sacred Task of Following Instructions
Let’s face it: change is usually slow. Confronting the institutional injustices we see at all levels of government and many parts of corporate America, it’s hard to know which of the two moves slower. As we persist, we need opportunities to renew our hope and inspire others to continue working to bring about desperately needed...

Terumah’s Rules for Radicals
As we move into the second month of the current presidential administration, it has become readily apparent to those of us engaged in the struggle for justice, equality, and human dignity that this will not be a quick or easy battle. These fights are always hard, and long, and come with a dozen defeats before...

What Does the Torah Teach Us About Building a World Worthy of God’s Presence?
According to Jewish tradition, for millennia God has been instructing us in how to foster a worthy dwelling place for the Divine Presence. How are we doing? In the beginning it was through the building of a Mishkan. We were told, as found in this week’s parashah, Terumah, to adorn it with precious metals, gorgeous...

The Generous Heart
Kaethe Morris Hoffer, Executive Director of CAASE (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation) does the following exercise with groups: Think back to a recent walk in a public space. Imagine someone, anyone, you passed on your way. Now, how much money would it take for you to perform a sex act with, on, or to this...