
Bo: Torah into the Void
For those of us feeling as if we only see evil and darkness in the other, it might be helpful to sit a while in the silence of the Divine Void where we are invited to join with God to look at the ways in which we ourselves may contribute to societal evils. Grappling with our own complicity could be just the impetus for us to seek common ground with those we label as evil. May we find a new way forward, together, for the old ways are no longer serving us.

Bo: What the 10th Plague and Missiles Have in Common
A missile cannot tell righteous from wicked.

Choosing Justice Over First-Born Status
Firstborns can be supplanted in many different ways, not all of them virtuous.

One Year After the Hard-Hearted Insurrection of January 6, 2021
The parshah is pushing us to learn from the insurrection – and not ever to forget it — in service of a larger goal. When major moments like this shock our systems, a part of us needs to embrace that shock and allow it to become constructive, something to propel us forward into courageous action.

Emerging from the Darkness into the Light
A D’var Torah by Rabbi Nancy Wiener for Parshat Bo The rabbis teach that, at the dawning of a new day, we must wait to begin our morning prayers until we can recognize another’s face in the distance. In this inaugural week, we can now see faces that reflect our nation’s diversity in the House...
Tefillat HaDerekh from Montgomery, Alabama
Written during the T’ruah delegation to the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice, January 26-28, 2020 Rabbi Nina H. Mandel Bo Bo el Par’oh Come after the oppressor Join the trouble Muster your strength Gird your loins Mobilize your anger Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt Watch for bias Cry out for truth Soften...

How Teshuvah Can Inform Our Thinking on Slavery and Reparations
In a d’var Torah for Parshat Bo, Rabbi Ari Lev Fornari suggests teshuvah may provide a framework for thinking about reparations.

How Darkness Immobilizes (Parshat Bo)
Commentary on Parshat Bo (Exodus 10:1 – 13:16) I am usually one to heed a call to mobilize for justice and human rights. I participated in a peace delegation to Israel and Palestine at the beginning of the Second Intifada and was at Standing Rock for the clergy action against the Dakota Pipeline. But lately,...

Coming and Going
As I noticed the bumper stickers on the back of the car, I felt my breath catch in my throat. I turned my head as I passed to peer into the window at the driver, trying to see what kind of person would want to “make America great again.” What kind of person would want...

You Can’t Leave Anyone Behind
I love Israel. But I could never live in a place called “the Jewish homeland” when progressive Jews are treated as second-class citizens. In Israel, the Orthodox establishment controls matters of personal status – primarily conversions and marriages. Jews who wish to be married, religiously, by a Conservative, Reconstructionist, or Reform rabbi generally leave the...