Hannah Weilbacher

Hannah (she/her) comes to T’ruah having worked as an organizer and advocate in the field of Jewish social justice. Before T’ruah, Hannah served American Jewish World Service as Senior Program Officer for Jewish Advocacy and Engagement, where she worked with rabbis and cantors who are passionate about human rights. Hannah also worked at the Jewish...
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Hadar Harris

Hadar Harris

Hadar Harris is an award winning human rights attorney and institution builder whose work focuses on civic enfranchisement, gender equality, freedom of expression and association, protecting closing civil society space and domestic implementation of international norms. She spent fifteen years in academia, building centers and organizations impacting a range of issues. She has worked as...
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Join the Network of Rabbis and Cantors

Join more than 2,300 of your colleagues in bringing a Jewish moral voice to human rights in North America, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories. T’ruah chaverim are rabbis and cantors who stand up to be counted as human rights leaders, nationally and in their own communities. Being part of our chaverim network gives you...
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Apply for Cantorial and Rabbinical Student Programs

Through our programs for cantorial and rabbinical students, T’ruah is training the next generation of clergy to be human rights leaders. These programs combine on-the-ground experience with Jewish learning, tools for developing a rabbinic voice, issue education, and the building of cross-denominational cohorts of future cantors and rabbis committed to bringing a moral voice to...
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Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking

“This year we are slaves; next year, may we be free.” —Passover Haggadah “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all other forms.” —Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 4 T’ruah is leading the charge in the Jewish community against modern-day slavery and human trafficking,...
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Worker Justice

“Great is work, as it gives honor to the one who does it.” —Nedarim 49b Our tradition tells us that it is a Jewish moral imperative to treat workers fairly. But we know that in this country and around the world, the workplace is often ground zero for forced labor, exploitation, wage theft, and violence...
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Racial Justice

“When the community is immersed in suffering, a person may not say: I will go to my home and I will eat and drink, and be at peace with myself.” -Taanit 11a Racial justice is a Jewish value, and Black lives matter. Period. Unlike the other issues T’ruah works on, the pursuit of racial justice...
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Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson

Lev (he/him) was ordained in 2013 from Hebrew College, where he was a Wexner Graduate Fellow. In 2017, Lev was honored by the Covenant Foundation with a Pomegranate Prize, which recognizes early-career Jewish educators. Before attending rabbinical school, Lev taught fifth grade at the Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan for three years and worked for...
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Rabbi Aaron Levy

Rabbi Aaron Levy is the founder and director of Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism, named one of North America’s 50 most innovative Jewish nonprofits in Slingshot ’10-’11. He inspires diverse Jews and non-Jews by fusing ritual and ethical practice, by teaching in an open-minded and intellectually serious style, and by making Judaism’s joy and playfulness apparent through...
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Rabbi Eric Solomon

Eric M. Solomon currently serves as a rabbi in Raleigh, North Carolina. He began his career as  the  Marshall T. Meyer Rabbinic Fellow at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York.  He is married to Rabbi Jennifer Solomon,  founding Director of the Libi Eir Community Mikveh,  and has three children.
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