Worker Justice

“Great is work, as it gives honor to the one who does it.” —Nedarim 49b Our tradition tells us that it is a Jewish moral imperative to treat workers fairly. But we know that in this country and around the world, the workplace is often ground zero for forced labor, exploitation, wage theft, and violence...
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Ending Tax Benefits for Terrorists

Israel’s far-right Kahanist movement is drawing new scrutiny and attention following Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent announcement that he welcomes bringing Otzma Yehudit, a reincarnation of Meir Kahane’s outlawed Kach party, into his governing coalition. This racist movement, made up of numerous far-right, terrorism-promoting groups that share the same leaders and activists as Otzma Yehudit...
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Audrey Honig

Audrey (she/her) is a rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College (’27). She grew up in Chicago, and her passion for Jewish life was sparked during her summers as a camper and staff member at URJ Camp OSRUI. As a student at Kalamazoo College, Audrey deepened her love of community-building through Hillel, interfaith dialogue, and with...
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Amelia Wolf

Amelia Wolf is a rabbinical student at the Jewish Theological Seminary. She grew up in Portland, Ore., and now lives in Brooklyn, where she is one of the founders and organizers of Minyan Atara, the Crown Heights Egalitarian Minyan. Prior to starting at JTS, Amelia had the privilege of learning at Hadar and Drisha,  and...
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Ariel Root Wolpe

Ariel Root Wolpe is a third year rabbinical student at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at American Jewish University in Los Angeles. She originally hails from Philadelphia, PA, and received her B.A. in religion and music at Emory University, where she was active on the Inter-Faith Council and religious life. Ariel has produced three...
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