Opening the Door at Passover

At the first Passover, we marked our doorposts with the blood of a sacrificial lamb to protect us from the Angel of Death (Exodus 12:23). Although that was a one-time ritual, doors continue to be a central symbol of the holiday. It is a symbol that seems more relevant than ever in an age when nativism...
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Free At Last?

“Maybe it’s time to move the museum displays to the side,” she said, “and get back to work.” That’s what one of my students said, and I couldn’t have been prouder. Recently, I had the privilege of journeying with members of our staff and teens from our congregation on a service/learning trip to New Orleans...
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Texts and Resources for Tisha B’Av: Jews Say Free Them All

Prayer for Tisha B’Av Actions A prayer by Rabbi Mónica Gomery designed to be read preceding or following the sounding of the shofar at a collective protest on Tisha B’Av. The use of this resource has helped unify Tisha B’Av events across the country. T’ruah’s Past Tisha B’Av Divrei Torah Commentaries by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia...
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