Quieting our Amygdalas

Of course, we are scared when faced with giants, or when we are fed terrifying misinformation. It is what we do with our fears and anxiety that is a key to Jewish spirituality.
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Heart of a Stranger: The Jewish Historical Memory of Torture

You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the heart of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt. -Ex. 23:9 You were strangers in the land of Egypt reminds us that we have experienced the great suffering that one in a foreign land feels. By remembering the pain which we...
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Fighting Modern-Day Slavery: A Handbook for Jewish Communities

T’ruah’s resources on trafficking are collected in Fighting Modern-Day Slavery: A Handbook for Jewish Communities. This handbook will help Jewish communities across North America fight trafficking on a local level. It includes background information sermon ideas text studies a children’s program ways to take action a poster to photocopy and hang in institutional restrooms further resources...
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Inspiration in Immokalee

I didn’t know what to expect when I went to visit the Coalition of Immokalee Workers this past February, with a delegation of rabbis organized by Rabbis for Human Rights. Since Dorshei Tzedek became involved with CIW’s Fair Food Campaign two years ago, I’ve learned that this farmworker organization has had remarkable success in getting...
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Net Neutrality: The Torah of the Donkey

In this week’s Torah portion, parashat Balak, we read the story of the mighty Moabite king Balak, who wants to hire the prophet Bil’am to curse the children of Israel. Balak places increasing pressure upon Bil’am, first through Moabite and Midianite elders, and then through elite princes. Both times Balak sends esteemed men, but God...
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The Long View

“Sorry, Rabbi, but I just don’t get it. How could God treat Jacob so well, considering he was a thief who snatched Esau’s birthright from under his soup-filled mouth, and a liar who disguised himself to steal his father’s blessing intended for his brother? This is how God rewarded this selfish brat: adequate food and...
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How Patience Destroys the Hope of Redemption

My step-daughter has a very distinctive sense of style, part Goth, part Emo, part anime, part steam-punk, part Asian, part her. She is also very petite, and finds it hard to find the clothes that she likes in her size. We recently realized that we can often find things that fit her if we order...
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Who are T’ruah’s Chaverim? Chaverim are rabbis and cantors who stand up to be counted as partners in T’ruah’s work to protect human rights in North America, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories. Being one of T’ruah’s chaverim does not imply endorsement of every organizational statement or position. When you become a member of our chaverim...
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