Letter from the Mexico Border

T’ruah chaver Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie shared this letter after returning from our March 2019 delegation with HIAS to El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, in Mexico. Since the Trump administration launched its “zero tolerance” policies at the Mexico border, T’ruah has sent five clergy delegations to bear witness and stand in solidarity with immigrants and...
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Privacy Notice This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for T’ruah and our website, https://www.truah.org, and for our forms on clickandpledge.com and salslabs.org. This privacy notice applies solely to information collected by these websites. It will notify you of the following: What information we collect; With whom it is shared; How it can be corrected;...
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purple and yellow graphic that says T'ruah at 20

Rabbi Gerry Serotta: T’ruah at 20

Throughout 2022, T’ruah will be sharing reflections from chaverim, staff, board members, students, alumni and more in celebration of our 20th anniversary. Rabbi Gerry Serotta was Organizer of the North American Rabbinic Cabinet in Support of Rabbis for Human Rights in 1999 and Chair of the Board of RHR-NA from 2002-2009.  R. Judah ben Tema associates reaching the...
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Intimacy With God Requires Human Contact

Parshat Nitzavim, the first of this week’s double parshah, speaks powerfully to our fundamental human need for connection to each other and to Gd — and therefore to the isolation that is an anathema to it. The covenant of Torah that began with the distant and dramatic display of Gd’s power at Mount Sinai is...
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Letters from the U.S.-Mexico Border

T’ruah, together with our friends from HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, has brought over 100 rabbis and cantors to the United States-Mexico border to bear witness to the humanitarian crisis there. Standing amid so much suffering and injustice was difficult, but we were heartened to meet many heroic activists working to help...
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