Rabbi Adir Yolkut

Yitro: The Jewish Case for Protecting Voting Rights in 2024

by Rabbi Adir Yolkut
As inheritors of a multi-vocal Jewish tradition that welcomes dissent and minority opinions, allowing people the chance to freely, legally, and openly participate in the democratic process strikes me as very Jewish. So to look at some of these harsh policies that stifle the voices of the downtrodden contradicts so much of what we hold dear in Judaism.

Tisha B’Av: Making Reparations after Churban

by Rabbi Lynn Gottleib
It is not enough to mourn. Mourning must be accompanied by actions that end the harm being done. 

Prayer for Tisha B’Av Actions: Jews Say #CloseTheCamps

by Rabbi Mónica Gomery
Our tradition teaches us that our individual laments form a collective lament, gathering the disparate parts of ourselves into a unified sorrow. It comes from the bones, from breath. The city weeps, and we weep with her, her wails are our breath, her voice in our mouths.

Torah from T’ruah for Tisha B’Av

by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein, Lizz Goldstein, Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Denise Handlarski.
Divrei Torah for Tisha B'Av by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein, Lizz Goldstein, Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Denise Handlarski.

Texts and Resources for Tisha B’Av: Jews Say Free Them All

by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein, Lizz Goldstein, Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Denise Handlarski.
Prayer for Tisha B’Av Actions A prayer by Rabbi Mónica Gomery designed to be read preceding or following the sounding of the shofar at a collective protest on Tisha B’Av. The use of this resource has helped unify Tisha B’Av events across the country. T’ruah’s Past Tisha B’Av Divrei Torah Commentaries by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia...

Those who served their time deserve a second chance (Shabbat Nachamu)

by Rabbi Edward C. Bernstein
A d’var Torah on Shabbat Nachamu Clarence Office, Jr., of Miami, FL, served in the U.S. Army for three years in the 1970s and was honorably discharged. Like many veterans, Clarence tragically fell into drug use and was arrested for drug offenses. He served a prison term and paid his debt to society. Clarence now...

The Weeping Mother Speaks: On Tisha B’Av, Remembering the Pain of Separation

by Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein
Tisha B’Av reminds us: You know what this awful pain feels like. First, every year, we are supposed to practice feeling the excruciating dissonance between the way things are and the way they should be. We have to feel the deep outrage and pain of the crying mother. But we must also be Rachel, weeping not only for her children, but naming the more compassionate way of being that we know, that we remember is possible.

Senseless Hatred Among Us

by Rabbi Lizz Goldstein
On the 9th of Av, 5772, I had to attend the wake of a close friend who died suddenly at the age of 24. It was the first time I ever fasted on Tisha B’Av. I wasn’t raised with any observance or even knowledge, really, of the day, and even as I became more observant...

The Fast of Inevitability

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
“This isn’t a marathon we’re in. It’s a sprint.” I was privileged to hear Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum say these words to a small group of rabbis last week, and it chilled my blood. It was the exact opposite of what I have been hearing from activists since November 9th, that we need to prepare and...

Words and Deeds

by Rabbi Denise Handlarski
Last year at this time, we were hearing the distressing news of the conflict in Gaza. Coinciding with Tisha B’av, which this year occurs in the week to come, Jews everywhere were mourning, and beginning to argue with aching hearts about Israel, and about justice. Parashat Devarim begins with Moses addressing “all Israel.” Rashi suggests...

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