On Monday, September 11, T’ruah will host a tiyyul with the IDF veterans of Breaking the Silence. These former soldiers served in Hebron — the largest city in the West Bank — and feel it is their duty to talk about their experiences there. This event is invitation only; please register here.

Tour the Hebron city center, which has become a “ghost town” due to massive military curfews, restrictions and other policies aimed at Palestinians. Visit the gravesite of Baruch Goldstein, the Jewish-American settler who massacred 29 Palestinian worshipers in 1994, in the aftermath of which the Hebron city center was effectively closed off to most Palestinians. Meet with Palestinian activists from Youth Against Settlements and hear about what life in Hebron is like for them.

This trip’s logistical coordinator is Itamar Haritan, Truah’s Israel Program Manager, who will be sending out a confirmation email. The trip fee of $20 includes all transportation and a kosher, vegetarian lunch.

T’ruah and Breaking the Silence tiyyul to Hebron
Monday, September 11, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Click here to register.

If you have any questions about this tiyyul, please contact T’ruah’s Congregational Organizer, Salem Pearce.

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