Join the T’ruah Israel Program for a special film screening of “The Law In These Parts,” the award-winning Israeli documentary film. RSVP via the link to guarantee a spot. Room is limited. Free vegetarian kosher dinner is included!


The film presents interviews former Israeli Supreme Court Justices and other top jurists who crafted the Israeli occupation’s legal infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since 1967. Watch the film’s trailer here and read an NY Times review of it hereThe film asks “Can such an occupation be achieved within a legal framework that includes genuine adherence to the principles of rule-of-law? Should it? What are the costs that a society engaged in such a long term exercise must bear?” After the film, we will hold a brief follow-up discussion led by Rabbi Ian Chesir-Teran, T’ruah’s Rabbinic Educator in Israel. The event is an excellent introduction to the kind of questions that the T’ruah Israel Program tiyyulim and evening programs will be exploring over the course of the year.


The program is the first event in the T’ruah Year-in-Israel Program, which offers rabbinical and cantorial students spending the academic year in Israel the opportunity to develop their rabbinic voice on human rights issues in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territories. We encourage you to sign up for the full year at the discounted early-bird rate.


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