Where to find T’ruah:


Protest outside Bibi’s hotel 
T’ruah’s CEO Rabbi Jill Jacobs will be a featured speaker at the ongoing protest outside Bibi’s hotel led by Israeli group UnXeptable.
9/21, 7 PM, In front of Bibi’s hotel: Loews Regency, 540 Park Ave.

FRIDAY, 9/22

Prayers for Democracy and Human Rights ***organized by T’ruah***
We’re meeting in front of the UN before Bibi’s speech on Friday for traditional morning Shacharit prayers and to pray for democracy and the human rights of both Israelis and Palestinians. Co-sponsored by the Rabbinical Assembly, the Union for Reform Judaism, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, J Street, and Torah Trumps Hate.*
After our prayers, we will join up with the larger protest coinciding with Bibi’s speech at 9 AM.
9/22, 8 AM, Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 1st Avenue & 47th Street

Protest outside the UN when Bibi speaks
Join what is expected to be the largest gathering of American Jews and Israelis in NYC this week. Show Bibi and the world that Jews support democracy.
9/22, 8:30 AM, Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 1st Avenue & 47th Street

Protest outside Bibi’s hotel 
While Bibi meets with American Jewish leaders, whose voices are being excluded? Who is not being heard?
9/22, 2 PM, In front of Bibi’s hotel: Loews Regency, 540 Park Ave.

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