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Praying for peace, taking responsibility for our complicity
May 14, 2021
A letter from Rabbi Jill Jacobs.
Rabbis Respond to Escalating Violence in Israel and Gaza
May 11, 2021
There is no justification for attacks on civilians. Our prayers are with everyone in Jerusalem, Sderot, Ashkelon, and elsewhere in Israel facing the threat of Hamas rocket fire, as well as with Palestinians in Gaza who are under fire from retaliatory strikes by the IDF.
Rabbis Praise Delay of Eviction Proceedings in Sheikh Jarrah, Condemn Violence by Police and Extremists
May 10, 2021
We welcome the decision by Israel’s High Court to delay deliberations on the eviction of longtime Palestinian residents from Sheikh Jarrah for approximately 30 days.
In Response to Jerusalem Anti-Arab Violence, Rabbis Cite Connection to Recent Far-Right Electoral Successes
April 23, 2021
In response to anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem, a rabbinic human rights group cited the connection between the violence and the ascension of far-right and Kahanist parties in the recent Israeli election.
Rabbis Applaud Conviction of Chauvin, Continue Commitment to Fighting Systemic Bias
April 20, 2021
“Although one police officer has been held accountable today, the conviction addresses merely a single instance of state violence."
Rabbis Support Bill to Bring Transparency to U.S. Aid to Israel
April 20, 2021
In an effort to bring more transparency to the fight for human rights in the occupied territories, a rabbinic human rights organization announced its support of a bill that would bring increased sunlight to U.S. foreign aid spending on Israel. T’ruah, representing over 2,000 rabbis and cantors and their communities in North America, released the following statement endorsing HR 2590, the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, introduced in the House by Rep. Betty McCollum last week.
Amazon Vote Disappointing, But Has Energized Movement
April 9, 2021
This is the beginning of a movement, not the end. Already, we are hearing reports about how their efforts have inspired others to fight.
Rabbis Condemn Settler Attack on Rabbi Arik Ascherman, Call for Attacker to be Brought to Justice
April 9, 2021
The escalating violence of the past year is a direct result of the ongoing occupation, which enshrines different systems of law and justice for Israelis and Palestinians.
Rabbis Celebrate NY Excluded Workers Fund’s Inclusion in Budget Agreement
April 7, 2021
Jewish text on supporting the dignity of workers is clear. The Torah teaches, 'You shall not abuse a needy and destitute laborer, whether a fellow countryman or a stranger in one of the communities of your land.' (Deuteronomy 24:14) As we recently celebrated Passover and the Israelites’ liberation from Egypt, we are reminded of the need to treat workers justly and with dignity.
Over 100 Jewish Clergy Call on NY Officials to Ensure Excluded Workers are Included in Budget
March 31, 2021
As Jews around the world observe Passover, the holiday dedicated to recognizing those who are still facing oppression today, a group of New York rabbis and cantors are joining the calls for the New York State Legislature to include $3.5 billion in funding in the New York State budget for an Excluded Workers Fund to provide income to essential workers who were excluded from stimulus and other COVID-19 relief.