The Halakhic Status of the Occupation

by Rabbi Aryeh Cohen
Many groups and individuals have decried Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories on moral or legal grounds. The purpose of this white paper is to envision what the values of the halakhic tradition might be if we considered the State of Israel and its occupation through those eyes. Its analysis will also inform to some...

Yovel Text Study: Return

The Jewish mystical tradition offers depictions of periodic cosmic rebirth, in which every 50,000 years, the entire universe returns to its original state. This can be seen as a more mythic, cosmic version of a the radical notion of land-return in our earthly yovel, the biblical commandment in which every fifty years, land would return...

You Can’t Leave Anyone Behind

by Rabbi Robin Nafshi
I love Israel. But I could never live in a place called “the Jewish homeland” when progressive Jews are treated as second-class citizens. In Israel, the Orthodox establishment controls matters of personal status – primarily conversions and marriages. Jews who wish to be married, religiously, by a Conservative, Reconstructionist, or Reform rabbi generally leave the...

Yovel Text Study: Betach (Security)

Imagine the time leading up to the sh’mita year in the ancient world. In an agricultural society, people no doubt would have been anxious: what would they eat while the land rested? Would the previous season’s crop suffice for an extra year? And before the yovel year, the anxiety must have been doubled, as the produce of the forty-eighth year would have to last for two extra years! This passage in Leviticus acknowledges this fear, and also frames the yovel year as a time to cultivate a sense of security not based on material possessions.

Yovel Text Study: The Land Is Mine

Each yovel—the last year of a fifty-year cycle—returns the entire land to its original owners. What might be described as radical land reform aims to prevent the development of a permanent underclass, but beyond this, expands our consciousness to understand that land is fundamentally not for sale, that on some level the entire earth belongs to God and never really to us.

Yovel Text Study: Jerusalem

While this series focuses primarily on yovel as a source of wisdom for how to approach the fiftieth anniversary of the Six Day War in 1967 and its aftermath, our project would not be complete without engaging with Jerusalem itself.

Fact Sheet about the Rights of the Bedouin in the Negev

Historical Background and Government Development Demographics and Socio-Economic Politics Land Disputes and the Goldberg Commission Plan, Prawer Plan, and Begin Plan

One Land, Many Names

by Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton
Jacob said to his kin: Gather stones. They took stones, made a mound, and ate there by the mound. Laban called it Yegar-Sahaduta, but Jacob called it Gal-Ed. (Gen 31:46-47) Two different languages, the same name. Witness-mound. Laban’s name for the site of this peace treaty is in Aramaic; Jacob’s is in Hebrew. How did...

Resources from our allies: Just Vision

An introduction to the work of Just Vision and the film The Wanted 18.

Dispossession in our text and in our world

by Mackenzie Reynolds
Jewish stars spray-painted by settlers onto the deserted shops left by Palestinians after they were expelled from Shuhada Street. Bullet holes shot by settlers into the water tanks of Palestinians, who already have erratic and dramatically insufficient water supplies.  The palimpsest of “Free Palestine” where settlers have spray painted bold blue stars over the green...

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