Human Trafficking

Come and Learn: A Modern Immigration Midrash
Read at your seder table where your haggadah instructs you to read the midrash on “My Father Was A Wandering Aramean” during Magid.

The Other Side of the River, the Other Side of the Sea
T'ruah's haggadah helps transform the seder into a conversation about immigration, racism, workers' rights, and forced labor.

How Drawing Near Leads to Speaking Out
This drawing-near is ultimately what leads to Joseph’s emotions overwhelming him; breaking from silence into sobbing, he orders the room cleared and then reveals himself to his brothers. Our drawing-near is also what engaged our emotions and drew us from silence into speech.
Amplifying My ‘Still, Small Voice’ to Testify against Human Trafficking
Living and serving the Jewish community in a state capital has its advantages, the primary one of which is the proximity to government. As the rabbi at Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia, Washington, I am keenly aware of what happens in the state legislature. In my case I have literal proximity, my synagogue is literally...
Inspiration in Immokalee
I didn’t know what to expect when I went to visit the Coalition of Immokalee Workers this past February, with a delegation of rabbis organized by Rabbis for Human Rights. Since Dorshei Tzedek became involved with CIW’s Fair Food Campaign two years ago, I’ve learned that this farmworker organization has had remarkable success in getting...
Slavery, Then and Now
In this moving sermon, Rabbi Gordon Tucker discusses the problem of modern slavery and describes his experience visiting sites from the African slave trade. SLAVERY THEN AND NOW Rabbi Gordon Tucker The Torah, in Leviticus 25:55, has God saying “The children of Israel are My servants”, and the rabbinic tradition afterwards added the following...

The Generous Heart
Kaethe Morris Hoffer, Executive Director of CAASE (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation) does the following exercise with groups: Think back to a recent walk in a public space. Imagine someone, anyone, you passed on your way. Now, how much money would it take for you to perform a sex act with, on, or to this...

Crying Out Loud
A year ago exactly, we were preparing for our Human Trafficking Awareness Shabbat. The theme resonated so much–as it still does today–with the biblical narrative: Jewish bondage in Egypt. We never expected that a real life sex trafficking case would happen practically on our doorstep. It happened two blocks south of our synagogue, in the...
Mi Sheberach for Survivors of Human Trafficking
A prayer for survivors of human trafficking that can be said during the Torah service, after the prayer (Mi Sheberach) for healing.