STEP brings together New York-area synagogues who want to build new relationships or deepen existing ones with non-Jewish communities of color, in order to join hands in the struggle for racial and economic justice.

In 2021, nine congregations came together to build skills for building relational coalitions and collaboration across lines of difference, particularly race. We are now recruiting for Cohort 2.

How it works:

The program kicks off with an in-person full-day workshop on a Sunday in the Fall, followed by periodic Zoom check-ins over the course of the 2022-2023 school year.  Synagogue teams — typically composed of a dedicated lay “team captain”, other invested community members, and a supportive clergy person– work together as a group and with the wider cohort to explore their successes and growth edges in building relational coalitions. Our curriculum will support your team in strengthening an anti-racist lens, deepening strategic connections, and tending to challenges and conflict with integrity, care, and accountability. 

Each participating congregation will also receive individualized coaching from our facilitators.

Is this the next STEP on your congregation’s journey?

Email Rabbi Margo Hughes Robinson to learn more.

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