Through quarantine and beyond, get educated on the human rights issues you’re supporting, with books, films, podcasts, and more hand-picked by T’ruah staff.



  • I am Not Your Negro | a film directed by Raoul Peck, based on the novel by James Baldwin.
  • Disturbing the Peace | a documentary directed by Stephen Apkon & Andrew Young, about Israeli and Palestinian former combatants partnering to create a better future through Combatants for Peace.
  • Food Chains | a documentary directed by Sanjay Rawal, on the history of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers 
  • We should all be feminist | TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 
  • The danger of a single story | TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 
  • Nevi’im (Anbiyaa) | A Youtube series about human rights issues in Israel, mostly regarding issues facing Mizrahim 


  • Uncivil  | On the history of the U.S. civil war
  • Scene on Radio | Seasons about whiteness (season two), masculinity (season 3), and democracy (season 4)
  • Radiolab | The 2018 series “Border Trilogy” and the recent series “The Other Latif.”
  • More Perfect | On the U.S. Constitution.
  • Codeswitch | On the impact of race in every area of society
  • 972+ Podcast | On Israel and Palestine
  • You’re Wrong About | Episodes: “Homelessness,” “Gangs,” and “The Ebonics Controversy” 

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