Sound the Call for Human Rights

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SUSTAINER: $54/month

Provide North American rabbinical and cantorial students with experiential learning opportunities, rigorous issue-focused education, and tools to develop their unique moral voice.

LEADER: $36/month

Cover planning costs for T’ruah rabbis and cantors to join a future human rights delegation.

MAVEN: $18/month

Equip T’ruah rabbis and cantors with expert training and tools to mobilize their communities in service of human rights.

ORGANIZER: $10/month

Produce study guides, resources, and teaching tools to enhance the analysis of human rights in our communities.

ACTIVIST: $5/month

Distribute T’ruah’s protest materials to our organizers and supporters amplifying the Jewish presence in the streets.

What T’ruah campaigns does the Shofar Society support?

Broken chain link icon
Fighting for Racial Justice
Tomato icon
Protecting Farmworkers’ Rights
Peace dove icon
Securing Human Rights for Israelis and Palestinians
Earth icon
Protecting Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers

Why give monthly?

It ensures our long-term sustainability.
It fits your budget.
It turns up the volume on your activism.
It shows that you are part of this movement for the long haul.

“I felt called to join the Shofar Society because of the critical work T’ruah is doing to protest the human rights violations perpetrated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It is a remarkable and vitally important thing to stand up against injustice. T’ruah’s work is a constant reminder that all of our futures are connected, and that we are all responsible for working together to build the future we know is possible.”

– Amelia Overbay-Day

Resists Tyrants Sticker
Sammy the Succulent rocks a T’ruah sticker.

What You Get:

  • A Shofar Society welcome gift bag delivered to your inbox
  • 10% off everything in our MyShopify store: onesies, t-shirts, masks and more!
  • Exclusive updates from T’ruah’s leadership
  • A community of like-minded activists

Invest in your Jewish values


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