These five prayers for the State of Israel, each written by a different T’ruah chaver, offer a variety of styles and emphases to supplement the more traditional prayers found in our siddurim.
- Rabbi David Seidenberg uses the format and much of the language of the traditional prayer, adapting it word-by-word to reflect a more progressive approach. In addition to the text of the prayer itself, this file includes study materials explaining the changes.
- Rabbi Ron Aigen z”l wrote this “Prayer for Israel in Time of War” during the 2014 war in Gaza.
- Rabbi Sam Feinsmith’s “Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and All People” was also written in the summer of 2014.
- Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, PhD, a former T’ruah board member, first published this prayer in 2002 in Tikkun magazine.
- Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD, wrote this prayer‘s original English, calling Israel to justice from a place of love. Hebrew translation by Rabbi David Nelson, PhD.