Democracy Resources

CONFRONTING THE MORAL CROSSROADS: Chile’s Jews from Dictatorship to Democracy

Author and journalist Maxine Lowy guides us through the story of how Chilean Jews and non-Jews endured when democracy was shattered, and how, over 17 years, Chileans fought successfully to restore it.

D is for Democracy

Take heart and courage in the words of movement elder, poet, and essayist Aurora Levins Morales.

Purim Reminds Us Rights Shouldn’t Be Tied to the Whims of Rulers

A D’var Torah for Purim by Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael As a Queer and Trans Jew, Purim has long held a special place in my heart as a holiday that envisions a world in which oppression can be turned upside down, in which coming out can be liberatory and world-changing, and miracles come to life through...

Search Resources

Repetition, Compulsion, and Night Vision

by Rabbi Tirzah Firestone
Many of us are war-weary and disheartened this week as we open the final book of Torah—Devarim or Deuteronomy. The Rambam called this book Mishneh Torah (repetition of Torah), because so much of it contains Moshe’s retelling of the stories that our ancestors lived out in the 40 years’ walk through the Wilderness. The aged...

Paying Priests, Paying Parents

by Rabbi Bath Kalisch
This past weekend, many of us celebrated Father’s Day to honor the important work our dads do. A month ago, we did the same thing to honor our mothers: BBQs and brunches, phone calls and cards in the mail, “Number 1 Mom” mugs and “World’s Best Dad” baseball caps. As a congregational rabbi, I spend...

Net Neutrality: The Torah of the Donkey

by Dr. Raysh Weiss
In this week’s Torah portion, parashat Balak, we read the story of the mighty Moabite king Balak, who wants to hire the prophet Bil’am to curse the children of Israel. Balak places increasing pressure upon Bil’am, first through Moabite and Midianite elders, and then through elite princes. Both times Balak sends esteemed men, but God...

The Grand Evening

by Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy
A d’var Torah for Shavuot 5774 “Moses led the people out of the camp towards God, and they took their places at the foot of the mountain.” (Ex. 19:17) This is the essence and promise of Shavuot: that we as a people can walk towards God, take our places, and stand together as one nation,...

Caleb the Whistleblower

by Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz
Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz writes about Parshat Sh'lach-Lecha.

Three Plagues

by Rabbi Pam Frydman
This week’s Torah portion is Parshat Bo. The portion tells the stories of the last three plagues suffered by the Egyptians—locusts, darkness and the killing of the firstborn. During the Pesach seder, we remove drops of wine from our cups to remember the suffering of the Egyptians. During morning worship on Pesach, we recite Hallel,...

2013 Rabbinic Letter on Bedouin Rights

by T'ruah and nearly 800 Jewish clergy
In 2013, nearly 800 rabbis, cantors, and rabbinical and cantorial students signed this letter, which was delivered to the Israeli government. As spiritual and Jewish community leaders who care deeply about the State of Israel, we write to you in solidarity with concerned Jewish and Arab Israelis to urge you to withdraw the Bill on...

Fighting Modern-Day Slavery: A Handbook for Jewish Communities

by Lev Meirowitz Nelson
T’ruah’s resources on trafficking are collected in Fighting Modern-Day Slavery: A Handbook for Jewish Communities. This handbook will help Jewish communities across North America fight trafficking on a local level. It includes background information sermon ideas text studies a children’s program ways to take action a poster to photocopy and hang in institutional restrooms further resources...

Power and Transformation

by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
The intersection of Parshat Miketz and Hanukah invites us to reflect on two different ways in which transformational impact can be effected, and the importance of understanding the nuances of each. We see two drastically different models of power and change in these stories.  In Miketz, Joseph—an Israelite foreigner in Egypt who, by happenstance, is granted an...

A Tale of Two Brothers

by Rabbi Floyd L. Herman
The reunion was to take place the next morning. Each of the brothers, alone within his own encampment, struggled with his own fears – and his own memories. Esau, the older, was sure that his younger brother would be up to his old tricks. He remembered how he had done everything his father had asked...

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