T’ruah clusters are the primary avenue for Jewish clergy who care about human rights to take action. We know that even as human rights issues are present across the globe, all politics are local. To advance human rights, T’ruah builds power by fostering strategic, relational networks of our chaverim in specific cities. By joining our moral voice with local relationships in full support of campaigns for justice, we bring the power of our tradition and the power of our people to the public square. We do this to advance legislation and policy in support of human rights, making concrete changes in people’s lives and altering the relations of power in our local communities. 

T’ruah is actively organizing in Boston, Chicago, New York City, Westchester, NY, and the Bay Area. 

If you are interested in learning more about our organizing work at the local level or would like to get involved, please contact Rabbi Alex Weissman at aweissman@truah.org.

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