Torah 20/20
Restoring the Dignity of Refugees Should Be Part of Living in a Democracy
Sabrina Lustgarten, Country Director for HIAS in Ecuador, writes that Parshat Vayakhel emphasizes "the importance of harmonizing wills to achieve a common good."
What’s So Bad About the Golden Calf?
In this d'var Torah for Parshat Ki Tisa, Daniel Handler struggles with symbols that become more important than morals.
Great Leaders Know When To Step Back
Parshat Tetzaveh is perhaps most noteworthy in the Torah for what it lacks: any mention of the name of Moses.
When We Make Art Together, We Dream a Better World Into Existence
A d’var Torah for Terumah (Ex.25:1-27:19) by Caroline Rothstein. I am an artist. That’s been my identity, purpose, and path since I was three years old and slid on ballet shoes to dance across a recital stage. Then came poetry. And nonfiction prose. Then came singing, acting, musical theater, jazz and modern and hip-hop dance,...
Choosing a Life-Giving Narrative
In this week’s d’var torah on Parshat Mishpatim, Judith Plaskow notes that it is easy to focus on those passages in the Torah that are inspiring and uplifting, or to depict US history as a continuing march toward equality and freedom, passing over in silence the aspects of both narratives that are troubling or oppressive.
Democracy: Remembering Where We Are Going
A d’var Torah for Yitro (Ex.18:1-20:23) by Rabbi Gordon Tucker. The Book of Eikhah (Lamentations) contains this apparently oxymoronic phrase when speaking of how ancient Judea had lost its moral way: “It did not remember its future” (1:9). What could it mean to remember something that is not in the past? The usual ways of...
Chester Hollman III Has a Lot of Torah to Teach Us
Chester Hollman III understands what it means to endure the trials and tribulations of the wilderness while dreaming of the Promised Land.
How Teshuvah Can Inform Our Thinking on Slavery and Reparations
In a d’var Torah for Parshat Bo, Rabbi Ari Lev Fornari suggests teshuvah may provide a framework for thinking about reparations.
Freedom Means Thinking for Oneself, Too
In this week’s d’var torah on Parshat VaEra, Bard College President Leon Botstein asks just what kind of freedom Moses was demanding.
No Shortcuts to Liberation, Alas
In this week's d'var torah on Parshat Shemot, NYC Councilman Brad Lander draws connections between patterns of oppression and resistance then and now.