The Biden Administration must use all possible pathways to urge Israel to stop the demolitions of homes in the West Bank. A recent court ruling has allowed evictions and demolitions to move forward in Masafer Yatta in the southern West Bank, potentially displacing over 1,000 Palestinians, while demolitions continue in Al-Walaja on the boundary with Jerusalem and elsewhere — as they have for decades.

These demolitions destroy the lives of Palestinians, while doing nothing to make Israel safer. In addition to the unnecessary cruelty of evictions and the growth of settlements, demolitions expand and entrench occupation, making it even harder to achieve the just, negotiated agreement we all seek. The Biden administration must intervene before these actions forever shatter hopes for an independent Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel and the end of this conflict.

This intervention should begin with ensuring that Israel freeze all demolitions. Israel must also allow residents ample, necessary time to develop a zoning plan that will allow for the long-term stability, health, and safety of the residents by enabling them to receive permits to build on their lands. 

Our foundational sacred texts insist we not turn away from injustice. The Torah warns, “You shall not render unjust decisions” (

Leviticus 19:15

). We are commanded to treat each person fairly, no matter their status in society. 


Lynn Abrahams

Leah Abrahams

Bob Abuhoff

Judith Ackerman

Lorraine Akiba

Ruth Alcabes

William Aldrich

Cantor Sheri Allen

Caron Allen Taira

Rabbi Renni Altman

Sister Anita Altman

Richard Amend

Loen Amer

H Ande

Margot Andersen

Penelope Andrews

JL Angell

Stephen Appell

Harry Appelman

Joseph Attamante

Rabbi Guy Austrian

Marya Axner

Dr. Lori Ayela

Eleanor Bader

Pearl Bailes

Rabbi Ethan Bair

Rabbi Ethan Bair

The Honorable Freda Ballas

Bruce Ballin

Jeff Basen-Engquist

Rachel Bashevkin

Abby Batko-Taylor

Stephanie Baum

Sarai Baxter

Dr. Diane Beitz

Dr. frank belcastro

Dr. Carol Berkower

Rabbi Allan Berkowitz

Carol Berlin

sonya berlovitz

Rabbi Marjorie Berman

John Berman

Rabbi Phyllis Berman

Rabbi Aryeh Bernstein

Dr. Brenda Berry

Barbara Bibel

Ruth Ann Binder

Dr. Emily Blank

Charles Blank

Sheila Blum

Edward Blumenthal

Robert Book

Susan Bookbinder

Leah Borden

Dr. Evelyn Botkin

Kathy Bradley

Joan Bradus

giza Braun

Dr. Elisa Braver

Rabbi Todd Brecher

Catherine Brennan

Sister john jack brennan

Agnes Brien

Dr. Yolanda Stern Broad PhD

Caryn Broitman

Cantor Shoshana Brown

Robert Brown

Dr. Jessica Brown

Rabbi David Brusin

mary buchwald

Representative Tammy Bullock

Charles Calhoun

Charlie Carnow

Dr. Irene and alec Cass

Stacey Chacker

Yvette Chalom

Ava Cheloff

  1. Clark

Rabbi Geoffrey Claussen

Rabbi Eric Cohen

Elizabeth Cohen

Rabbi Norman Cohen

Rabbi Susie Coliver

Robin Cook

Rabbi David J. Cooper

Missy Crutchfield

Marion Cuba

Dr. Marcia Curry

Barry Cutler

Kenny Dalsheimer

Shira Danan

Joseph Dangelo

Jan Darsa

Vic DeAngelo

Regina DeFalco Lippert

Rabbi Shoshanah Devorah

Carol Devoss

Patricia Dion

Dr. Merelyn Dolins

Diana Dorer

Arthur Dorman

Betty Ann Duggan

Cedar Dvorin

Beth Dwoskin

Rabbi Judith Edelstein

Rabbi Amy Eilberg

Dr. Sarita Eisenberg

Lewis Elbinger

Rabbi Barat Ellman

Kimberly Ellner

Michael Essex

Rita Falbel

Rabbi Susan Falk

Dr. Eve Kathleen Farrell

James Farrell

Wendy Fast

Marsha Feder

Rabbi Charles Feinberg

The Honorable Lynn Feinerman

Rabbi Lori Feldstein-Gardner

Peter Felsenthal

Rabbi Zev-Hayyim Feyer

Dr. Mark Fichman

Patricia Finn

Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

Emily Fischer

Andi Fischhoff

Yael Fischman

Richard Fish

Diana Fishman

Robin Flamm

Sam Fleischacker

Judi Fonsh

Representative Linda C. Fox

Lucia Fox-Shapiro

Mira Frank

Rabbi Laurie Franklin

Guy Frenkel

Lisa Friedlander

Shani Friedman

Kathe Garbrick

Esther Garvett

David Gassman

Michelle Geil

Matt Gerber

Rabbi Stuart Gershon

Gili Getz

Rabbi Elihu Gevirtz

Dr. Tiana neshama Gianci

Jody Gibson

Rita Giles

Dr. Laura Gillman

Rabbi Talya Gillman

Louise and Allan Gilmore

Judith Glaser

John and Judith Glass

Barry Glunt

Ms. Henri Goettel

Ellie Goldberg

Daniel Goldberg

Helen Goldenberg

Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg

Joe Goldman

Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein

Maryn Goodson

Marsha Gordon

Carol Gordon

Linda Gore

Gregory Gore

Yona Gorelick

Mark Graham

Fred Granlund

Rabbi Joel S Grantz

Adam Graubart

Rabbi Laurie Green

Rabbi David Greenstein

Marc Gregory

Melissa Gregory

Rabbi Suzanne Griffel

David Grinstein

Dr. Grant Grissom

Ora Grodsky

Dr. Carol Gross

Margery Groten

Michelle Gubbay

Amos Gvirtz

Aric Haley

Hagit Halperin


Eileen Hamilton

Heidi Handelsman

Sam Hard

Amy Harlib

Rabbi Maurice Harris

Vaughn Harrison

Ruth Hartman

Robert Haslag

Carolyn Haupt

Ariel Hayes

Marcia Heath

Peter Hecht

Laura Hegfield

Ivan Helfand

Lana Henson

Kate Hermann-Wu

Ailsa Hermann-Wu

Amy Herren

Jane Herring

Joel Hildebrandt

Joseph Hillyard

Madeline Hirschland

Dr. Bruce Hlodnicki

Riva Hocherman

Harold Hodes

Andrea Hodos

Tobie Hoffman

Patricia Hogan

Ellen Homsey

Cantor Sandy Horowitz

Jonathan Horowitz

Laura Horowitz

Martin Horwitz

Rabbi Jocee Hudson

Alexander Huelle

Dr. Eva Hutt

Colette Hyman

Tonia Hysko

Talia Inbar

Sasha Jackson

Lynne Jacobs

Michael Jacobson

Rabbi Daria Jacobs-Velde

Astrid Jarvis

Virginia Jastromb

Adrian Kalikow

Ned Kantar

Dr. Manuel Kaplan

Judith Kates

Dr. Emily Kates

Jean Katz

Sara Katz

Marina Kaufman

Rabbi Jim Kaufman

Ellen Kaufmann

James Kawamura

Judy Kaye

Steve Kellerman

Dr. Kathryn Kendall

Cantor Evan Kent

Donald Kent

Rabbi Justin Kerber (he/him/his)

Amy Keresztes

Linda Kernohan

Karen Kerschen

Deborah Kick

Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman

Dr. Max Klau

Dr. Adina Kleiman

Dr. James Klein

Idit Klein

Randi Klein

Simon Klein

Sara Knauz

Rabbi Michael Knopf

Janet Kolodner

Jonathan Kopp

Deborah Kornfeld

Dr. Ellee Koss

Steven Kranowski

Martha Kransdorf

Rabbi Douglas Krantz

Eytan Krasilovsky

Rabbi Yaacov Kravitz

Erika Kreider

Rabbi suri krieger

Karen Kronick

Leo Kucewicz

Dr. Joy Ladin

Kirk Lambert

Dr. Yehezkel Landau

Carol Landsman

Senator Joyce Lane

Lynn C. Lang

Doug Langdon

Rabbi Gilah Langner

Sarah Lanzman

Judith Lasker

Rabbi Talia Laster

Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie

Cynthia Launer

Ned Lazarus

Representative Emily Lazowick

Judith Leavitt

Rabbi Jim Lebeau

Arnold Lane Leckman

Rabbi Esther Lederman

Diane Leeds

Jonathan Lehrer

Sharon Lehrman

Rabbi Darby Leigh

Rabbi Darby Leigh

Rabbi Michele Lenke

Rachel Lerner

Dr. Eve Levin

Matthew Levin

Rachel Levine

Renee Levine-Blonder

Dr. Abe Levy

Andrea Levy

Rabbi Sheldon Lewis

Maharat Laura Liben

Woody Lichtenstein

Denni Liebowitz

Rabbi Ellen Lippmann


Sara Litt

Aldebran Longabaugh

Sharon Longyear

Jonathan Lopatin

Reverend Samuel Loudenslager

Jim Loveland

Steven Lowenthal

Susan Lubeck

Rosalee Lubell

al luque

Cantor Abbe Lyons

Neal Madnick

Dr. Alex Madonik

Libbe Madsen

Donna Malamud

Allan Malkis

Tania Malven

Harvey Mamon

Richard Mandell

Jill Marder-Meyer

Rabbi Jeffrey Marker

Ina Marks

Carolina Martinez

Dr. Delia Marx

Dr. Alfonse Masi

Ruth Matilsky

Dr. David Matz

Tamara Matz

Susan Mautner

Abby McCartney

Sarah McKee

Claudia McNulty

Barbara Meislin

Judy Mellow

Henry Mensing

Lynn Merle

Lynda Mermell

Amelia Merrill

Ruth Messinger

Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer

Myron Miller

Amber Miller

Dr. Lyndall Miller

Wendy Mills

Linda Milstein

Jill Minneman

Kathleen Mireault

Rabbi David Mivasair

Leonore Mohill Gerstein

Representative chava Monastersky

Annika Monkarsh

Dr. Larry Moss

Hussein Mourtada

Stephen Mudrick

aryeh NANAS

Dr. Penelope Neckowitz

Jane Newman

Karen Nieuwland

Melissa Nussbaum

Judith Obermayer

Dr. Carl Offner

Polly O’Malley

Dr. Stephen Oren

Aviva Orenstein

Dr. Eric Orlin

Dr. Shlomo Orr

Naomi Ostfeld

Amelia Overbay-Day


Judith Pakosinski

Alun Palmer

Marco Pardi

Dr. Eleanor Parker

Susan Pastin

Jane Patrick

Tia pearson

Nicolas Petersen

Judith Plaskow

Verandah Porche

Rabbi Jonathan Posner

Hans Pottees

Benjamin Praff

  1. D. Pratt

Rabbi Rabbi Charles P Rabinowitz

Rabbi Tzipi Radonsky

Rabbi Michael Ramberg

Dorri Raskin

Janet Rauscher

Maryellen Redish

richard reiches

Ellen Rennell

Judy Richardson

Sister CARRIE roach

Leah Robbins

The Honorable David Roberts

Katherine Robertson

Father Merrill Rodin

The Honorable Thomas Rogers

Bruce Rosen

Rabbi Shani Rosenbaum

Cantor Aviva K Rosenbloom

Dr. Carolyn Rosenstein

Dr. Wendy Rosenstein

The Honorable Bruce Ross

Rabbi Mike Rothbaum

Dr. Daniel Rothblatt

Rabbi Robert Rottenberg

Sharon Rozines

Eve Rubell

Ilene Rubenstein

Dr. Anna Rubin

Cantor Michal Rubin

Dr. Jane Rubin

Judith Rubin

Rabbi Ralph Ruebner

Nikki Sachs

Sister Lisa Sanetra

Randi Saslow

Alan Saunders

Clara Schad

Carole Schaefer

Mark Schafer

Dr. judy schechtman

Cantor Robert Scherr

Rabbi Simone Schicker


Rabbi Howie Schneider

Wendy Schumacher

Dr. Allen Schwab

Phebe Schwartz

jeffrey schwarz

Gaik Schy

Maria Scipione

Edward Scott

Dr. M Segal

Rabbi Mayer Selekman

Representative Rob Seltzer

Art Serotoff

Rabbi Gerald Serotta

Marie Sevy

Deb Sewall

Dr. Joshua Shanes

Sheryl Shapiro

Robin Share

Rebecca Shargel

Rabbi Dina Shargel

Mary Jean Sharp

Rabbi Jeremy Sher

Evely Laser Shlensky

Phylls Shulman

Sara Shutkin

Erica Silverman

Rabbi Rabbi Singer

Sean Siperstein

Susan Sklar

Rabbi Jonathan Slater

Sars Sloan

James Smith

David Snyder

Dr. Robert Snyder

Ceevah Sobel

Meg Soiffer

Judith Solomon

Rachel Sommer

William Sparks

Laurie Spear

Rabbi Edwyna Spiegel

Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker

Rabbi Miriam Spitzer

Rabbi Toba Spitzer

Susan Spivack

Nancy Stanton

Susan Starker

Burton Steck

Jordyn Steifman

Susan Stein

Sharon Stein

Phillip Steinberg

Janice Steinberg

Rabbi Kaya Stern-Kaufman

Rabbi Jamie Stolper

Rabbi Ariel Stone

Melinda Strauss

Rabbi Joshua Strom

Lois Strzyzewski

  1. Suarez

John Sullivan

Michele Sumka

Alice Sturm Sutter

Deborah Swearingen

Laura Szapiro

Solange Tajchman

Dr. Stephen Teitel

Diane Tepfer

Rabbi Elliott Tepperman

Representative Jeanne Thatcher

The Honorable M Melinda Thompson

Don Thompson

Marion Tidwell

Rabbi shifrah tobacman

Janis Todd

The Honorable Laurie Toner

Erline Towner

Leora Troper

Cheryl Trosper

Rabbi Lauren Tuchman

Rabbi Jason van Leeuwen

Judit Verboczy

Suzanne Verge

Rick Vitale

Rabbi Andrew Vogel

Alexandra Volin Avelin

Valerie Wald

Patricia Waldeck

Roberta Wall

Laurence Wallach

grae wallach

George Warco

Sheila Ward

Dr. Alan Wartenberg

Rabbi Arthur Waskow

Laurie Wasserman

Shaina Wasserman

Harold Watson

Gary Wattles

Rabbi Rabbi abi Weber

Rabbi Elyse Wechterman

Rabbi Sheila Weinberg

Jill Weinstein

Stuart Weinstock

Rabbi Samuel Weintraub

Rabbi Simkha Weintraub

Rabbi Ora Weiss

Rabbi Lew Weiss

Samara Weiss

Dr. Alan Wexelblat

Rabba Miriam White

Dr. Cynthia Whitehead

Rabbi Nancy Wiener

Frank and shirley Wilcox

Andrew Wilks

Dallas Windham

Maggie Wineburgh-Freed

Dr. Carol Winograd

Charles Wittman

Larry Wolf

Rabbi Joseph Wolf

Linda W Wolf

Liz Wright

Laurel Wruble

Marcia G. Yerman

Tippy Young

Bishop Robert Z Zachary

Cat Zavis

Russ Ziegler

David Zielenziger

Gloria Zimet

Andrea Zinn

Jodie Zisow-McClean

Rabbi Rain Zohav

Cantor Michael Zoosman

Tim Zorach

Marta Lisa Zweben

    [0] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 217
            [name] => Ending the Occupation
            [slug] => ending-the-occupation
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 217
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] =>  "Cry with a full throat without restraint; Raise your voice like a shofar!"
-Isaiah 58:1 
Our approach to ending the occupation is grounded in human rights and a belief that all Israelis and Palestinians are created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of the Divine, and should be treated with dignity and compassion. 

As rabbis and cantors, we care deeply about Israel’s future as a Jewish, democratic state, and as a safe haven for the Jewish people, who have suffered generations of persecution with no country of our own.  

At the same time, we recognize the impact and consequences of Israel’s creation for the Palestinian people, and the many decades of suffering incurred by leaders prioritizing power over people. Since 1967, Israel has maintained a violent military occupation of Palestinian land, violating the human rights of millions each day. To ensure the long-term security, dignity, and prosperity of both Israelis and Palestinians, the occupation must end. 

With T’ruah’s support, courageous Jewish clergy draw attention to the injustices done in our name. 
Our work includes:

 	Training and educating current and future American rabbis and cantors to be the moral leaders we need. Over 80% of rabbinical and cantorial students spending their required year in Israel participate in our Year-in-Israel Program, which takes students to see human rights issues with their own eyes and meet the activists working to address them
 	Running trips to the West Bank for ordained Jewish clergy
 	Providing educational programming on specific issues and bringing the voices of Israeli and Palestinian activists and human rights experts to our community
 	Organizing rabbis, cantors, and their communities to take action to protect democracy in Israel and to support the human rights of both Israelis and Palestinians


            [parent] => 212
            [count] => 192
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 7

    [1] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 212
            [name] => Israel Campaigns
            [slug] => israel-campaigns
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 212
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 0
            [count] => 353
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 1

    [2] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 237
            [name] => Plant Justice Not Settlements
            [slug] => plant-justice-not-settlements
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 237
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] => In 2016, T’ruah won an important victory for transparency when we persuaded the Jewish National Fund-USA to publish a list of its projects on its publicly-available tax forms for the first time.

That’s the good news. But the bad news is that we now know that JNF-USA doesn’t just plant trees in Israel, but also invests in settlements s over the Green Line, beyond Israel’s internationally recognized borders.

JNF-USA once had a policy of not funding over the Green Line.

Please join us in demanding it return to this policy.

By supporting settlements, JNF-USA contributes to the violation of the human rights of Palestinians, and to blocking a long-term agreement that will be the only way to protect the human rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians. Settlements limit Palestinians’ freedom of movement, take their land and destroy all hopes for a viable, sovereign and territorially contiguous Palestinian state.

The JNF-USA needs to hear from you. Please ask JNF-USA CEO Russell Robinson today to pledge not to spend one more dollar over the Green Line.

By treating illegal settlements as if they were merely another part of Israel, JNF-USA is committing the sin of genevat da’at, misleading people. And it is contributing to the human rights abuses and land theft the settlements cause.

As the Torah proclaims, “Damned be he who moves back the territory-marker of his neighbor!” (Deut. 37:17)

Write to JNF-USA CEO Russell Robinson
Learn more

Watch our video

Look at our map of JNF-USA projects over the Green Line
            [parent] => 212
            [count] => 41
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [0] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 217
            [name] => Ending the Occupation
            [slug] => ending-the-occupation
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 217
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] =>  "Cry with a full throat without restraint; Raise your voice like a shofar!"
-Isaiah 58:1 
Our approach to ending the occupation is grounded in human rights and a belief that all Israelis and Palestinians are created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of the Divine, and should be treated with dignity and compassion. 

As rabbis and cantors, we care deeply about Israel’s future as a Jewish, democratic state, and as a safe haven for the Jewish people, who have suffered generations of persecution with no country of our own.  

At the same time, we recognize the impact and consequences of Israel’s creation for the Palestinian people, and the many decades of suffering incurred by leaders prioritizing power over people. Since 1967, Israel has maintained a violent military occupation of Palestinian land, violating the human rights of millions each day. To ensure the long-term security, dignity, and prosperity of both Israelis and Palestinians, the occupation must end. 

With T’ruah’s support, courageous Jewish clergy draw attention to the injustices done in our name. 
Our work includes:

 	Training and educating current and future American rabbis and cantors to be the moral leaders we need. Over 80% of rabbinical and cantorial students spending their required year in Israel participate in our Year-in-Israel Program, which takes students to see human rights issues with their own eyes and meet the activists working to address them
 	Running trips to the West Bank for ordained Jewish clergy
 	Providing educational programming on specific issues and bringing the voices of Israeli and Palestinian activists and human rights experts to our community
 	Organizing rabbis, cantors, and their communities to take action to protect democracy in Israel and to support the human rights of both Israelis and Palestinians


            [parent] => 212
            [count] => 192
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 7

    [1] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 212
            [name] => Israel Campaigns
            [slug] => israel-campaigns
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 212
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 0
            [count] => 353
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 1

    [2] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 237
            [name] => Plant Justice Not Settlements
            [slug] => plant-justice-not-settlements
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 237
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] => In 2016, T’ruah won an important victory for transparency when we persuaded the Jewish National Fund-USA to publish a list of its projects on its publicly-available tax forms for the first time.

That’s the good news. But the bad news is that we now know that JNF-USA doesn’t just plant trees in Israel, but also invests in settlements s over the Green Line, beyond Israel’s internationally recognized borders.

JNF-USA once had a policy of not funding over the Green Line.

Please join us in demanding it return to this policy.

By supporting settlements, JNF-USA contributes to the violation of the human rights of Palestinians, and to blocking a long-term agreement that will be the only way to protect the human rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians. Settlements limit Palestinians’ freedom of movement, take their land and destroy all hopes for a viable, sovereign and territorially contiguous Palestinian state.

The JNF-USA needs to hear from you. Please ask JNF-USA CEO Russell Robinson today to pledge not to spend one more dollar over the Green Line.

By treating illegal settlements as if they were merely another part of Israel, JNF-USA is committing the sin of genevat da’at, misleading people. And it is contributing to the human rights abuses and land theft the settlements cause.

As the Torah proclaims, “Damned be he who moves back the territory-marker of his neighbor!” (Deut. 37:17)

Write to JNF-USA CEO Russell Robinson
Learn more

Watch our video

Look at our map of JNF-USA projects over the Green Line
            [parent] => 212
            [count] => 41
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0

    [0] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 217
            [name] => Ending the Occupation
            [slug] => ending-the-occupation
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 217
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] =>  "Cry with a full throat without restraint; Raise your voice like a shofar!"
-Isaiah 58:1 
Our approach to ending the occupation is grounded in human rights and a belief that all Israelis and Palestinians are created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of the Divine, and should be treated with dignity and compassion. 

As rabbis and cantors, we care deeply about Israel’s future as a Jewish, democratic state, and as a safe haven for the Jewish people, who have suffered generations of persecution with no country of our own.  

At the same time, we recognize the impact and consequences of Israel’s creation for the Palestinian people, and the many decades of suffering incurred by leaders prioritizing power over people. Since 1967, Israel has maintained a violent military occupation of Palestinian land, violating the human rights of millions each day. To ensure the long-term security, dignity, and prosperity of both Israelis and Palestinians, the occupation must end. 

With T’ruah’s support, courageous Jewish clergy draw attention to the injustices done in our name. 
Our work includes:

 	Training and educating current and future American rabbis and cantors to be the moral leaders we need. Over 80% of rabbinical and cantorial students spending their required year in Israel participate in our Year-in-Israel Program, which takes students to see human rights issues with their own eyes and meet the activists working to address them
 	Running trips to the West Bank for ordained Jewish clergy
 	Providing educational programming on specific issues and bringing the voices of Israeli and Palestinian activists and human rights experts to our community
 	Organizing rabbis, cantors, and their communities to take action to protect democracy in Israel and to support the human rights of both Israelis and Palestinians


            [parent] => 212
            [count] => 192
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 7

    [1] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 212
            [name] => Israel Campaigns
            [slug] => israel-campaigns
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 212
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] => 
            [parent] => 0
            [count] => 353
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 1

    [2] => WP_Term Object
            [term_id] => 237
            [name] => Plant Justice Not Settlements
            [slug] => plant-justice-not-settlements
            [term_group] => 0
            [term_taxonomy_id] => 237
            [taxonomy] => campaign
            [description] => In 2016, T’ruah won an important victory for transparency when we persuaded the Jewish National Fund-USA to publish a list of its projects on its publicly-available tax forms for the first time.

That’s the good news. But the bad news is that we now know that JNF-USA doesn’t just plant trees in Israel, but also invests in settlements s over the Green Line, beyond Israel’s internationally recognized borders.

JNF-USA once had a policy of not funding over the Green Line.

Please join us in demanding it return to this policy.

By supporting settlements, JNF-USA contributes to the violation of the human rights of Palestinians, and to blocking a long-term agreement that will be the only way to protect the human rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians. Settlements limit Palestinians’ freedom of movement, take their land and destroy all hopes for a viable, sovereign and territorially contiguous Palestinian state.

The JNF-USA needs to hear from you. Please ask JNF-USA CEO Russell Robinson today to pledge not to spend one more dollar over the Green Line.

By treating illegal settlements as if they were merely another part of Israel, JNF-USA is committing the sin of genevat da’at, misleading people. And it is contributing to the human rights abuses and land theft the settlements cause.

As the Torah proclaims, “Damned be he who moves back the territory-marker of his neighbor!” (Deut. 37:17)

Write to JNF-USA CEO Russell Robinson
Learn more

Watch our video

Look at our map of JNF-USA projects over the Green Line
            [parent] => 212
            [count] => 41
            [filter] => raw
            [term_order] => 0


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