Tanya Farber (she/her/hers) is a rabbinical student at Yeshivat Maharat in Riverdale, NY, expecting to graduate in 2021. A school teacher for nearly fifteen years, Tanya is eager to expand her skills beyond the classroom and into the community. Over the course of her teaching career, Tanya has taught Judaic studies in yeshiva high schools in NY and NJ, coordinated a high school beit midrash, and taught experiential Jewish education to fourth graders in Central NJ.  In the classroom, Tanya integrates traditional text study with  improv and other creative modalities, and prayer and liturgy with mindfulness meditation. On weekends, Tanya worked for over ten years in Brooklyn as a supervisor in a shomer Shabbat group home for Jewish women with developmental disabilities. Originally from Arizona, Tanya has lived in Highland Park, NJ for over two decades and is now resettling into Washington Heights and is eager to explore the many neighborhoods in NYC.

(photo: Shulamit Seidler-Feller)

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