Sarah Fort Sholklapper is a rabbinical student at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University. A native of the DC area, she graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Government and International Politics, concentrating in the Middle East and North Africa, with the intention of going into foreign service. However, between being president of her Hillel-Jewish Student Association and her involvement in Jewish experiential education, she found her passion for creating community. This led her to move to Los Angeles in 2011 to pursue Conservative ordination. Being always inspired in her own practice though others’ passion, she and her husband–a fellow rabbinical student–traveled to the Russian Far East in summer 2013 to serve as ‘camp rabbis’ for the JDC-supported Bar & Bat Mitzvah Family Camp in Birobidzhan, Russia. This past year she served as the Jewish Student Life Coordinator for AJU College, and was a fellow with NewGround: A Muslim-Jewish Partnership for Change.

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