Originally from Massachusetts, Rachel moved to the Chapel Hill, NC area in 1995. Having just completed a master’s degree in International Service and finding herself in North Carolina, she decided to pursue other passions as a professional and volunteer in non-profit leadership, specializing in strategic planning, community organizing, advocacy, and development.  After working in the nonprofit world as a professional and volunteer for over 20 years, Rachel had the incredible opportunity to lead Meals on Wheels Orange County, NC, as Executive Director.  Since moving to NC, Rachel has been an active volunteer in various organizations focused on food insecurity, women’s rights, voting rights and election monitoring, as well as Jewish and interfaith peace and justice organizations centered on Israel and Palestine. When not busy at work or volunteering, Rachel can often be found either out on a run, planning her next travel adventure, or wandering through independent bookstores contemplating what to add to the growing stack on her bedside table. She is the parent of three almost fully grown humans and currently resides in rural Orange County with her spouse, one remaining high schooler, two dogs, and numerous chickens.

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