Max Reynolds is a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, he moved to New York in 2003 for an MA in Philosophy of Religion at Union Theological Seminary. Max has over 10 years experience in direct services, primarily within LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities, including Callen-Lorde Community Health Center and Housing Works (NYC) and The Attic Youth Center (Philadelphia). His rabbinic training has included work as a student rabbi at Kolot Chayeinu (Brooklyn) and Kehilat HaNahar (New Hope, PA), as a synagogue educator, and as a hospital chaplain (extended CPE unit) at Einstein Medical Center (Philadelphia). Max is especially interested in building a rabbinate that brings together his interests in: building strong, open, diverse Jewish communities; racial, economic, and gender justice; trauma, resilience, and healing; multi-religious organizing; singing, play, and imagination; and attending to the spiritual needs of activists, organizers, and direct service providers. Max is happy beyond words to be returning home to New York for the summer, and can’t wait to ride his bike to Brighton Beach and run into its beautiful crashing waves.

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