Lawrence Dreyfuss (he/him) is a rabbinical student at Hebrew College and expects to graduate in 2026. Before coming to rabbinical school, Lawrence served as a Teach For America corps member teaching high school English at Waianae High School, a predominately native Hawaiian high school on the west coast of Oahu. While there, he also coached the school’s track and cross country teams, and led the school’s drama program to put on its first student musical in over 20 years. He also protested statewide salary cuts for educators alongside his fellow teachers as a proud union member of HSTA (Hawaii State Teachers’ Association). He then attended film school at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles before moving to Brooklyn, where he began creating political art as an ensemble member of Theater in Asylum. That work led him to a staff position at DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) coordinating the organization’s national external communications and design work. During his time on staff, Lawrence helped organize a staff union at the DSA through the CWA (Communications Workers of America) and served as union co-chair for 3 years. In 2019, he also organized a tenants’ union in his Brooklyn apartment building through the Crown Heights Tenant Union. Today, Lawrence continues to organize with DSA Boston and fights passionately for a more equitable society.

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