Jessica hails from the San Francisco Bay Area, and now lives in Manhattan where she is studying to become a rabbi at the Jewish Theological Seminary (anticipated ordination 2022). She holds a B.A. in Dramaturgy from Pomona College and an M.A. in Education from University of California Berkeley.  In her previous career, she taught Spanish bilingual elementary classes (grades 3-6) in public schools and persuasive writing (grades 5-6) through UC Berkeley’s Academic Talent Development Program. She also taught 6th grade T’fillah at her home congregation of Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland, CA, where she was a member for 11 years before departing for rabbinical school.  She also dabbles in music, visual art, kippah crochet, and web design. In her free time, Jessica enjoys reading, cooking, salsa dancing, hiking, and cycling.

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