Ali Sagadencky is a third year rabbinical student at the Academy for Jewish Religion, California. Ali was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. She completed her undergraduate and graduate work at Pepperdine University, receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts as well as a Master’s Degree in Education with an emphasis on Early Childhood Education in four years. Ms. Sagadencky taught developmentally delayed special education, students who were diagnosed SED (severely emotionally disturbed), elementary school, Hebrew School, and gifted students. A former principal of an up and coming private start-up elementary school, Ali finally left the field of education after 23 years in 2012. Throughout her life, Ms. Sagadencky has focused on and been recognized for her community service work. She is a social activist whose work has included GLBTQ rights in California, those affected by the devastation following Hurricane Katrina, and working with incarcerated women in California Chino State prison in the area of self-esteem building. Currently living in Southern California, Ali enjoys spending time with her partner Rabbi Karen Bender and her three children and three stepchildren. In her free time…who are we kidding, with six kids living at home, Ali has no free time!

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