Photo of the author, Rabbi James Greene

Chanukah: Don’t Remain in Darkness

by Rabbi James Greene
For those who are experiencing darkness today, light will come — we just need to commit to the belief that darkness is unacceptable.
Rabbi Philip Gibbs

Miketz: The Dangers of Finding Political Meaning in Suffering

by Rabbi Philip Gibbs
As we continue to watch the unfolding events in the war in Gaza, we need to distinguish between suffering and accountability.

The Power of Dreams and Our Power to Create Prophecy

by Rabbi Becky Jaye
...if, like this Pharaoh, we can move beyond the terror to seeking options with an open mind, we may find ourselves with more resources at hand than we ever realized was possible.

Joseph and His Amazing Technocratic Dream Coat: The Descent to Tyranny

by Rabbi Daniel Chorny
I am puzzled by the ways in which a country that readily replaces phones and computers as soon as we experience even the slightest decrease in performance can insist that our inherited system for organizing our economy and government works just fine.

How A White Rabbi and An African-American Pastor Read Joseph’s Story Completely Differently

by Rabbi Ruven Barkan
A D’var Torah for Parshat Miketz by Rabbi Ruven Barkan This summer, as we lived through the social upheaval fueled by COVID-19 and sparked by police brutality, I began to recognize more clearly the passive yet growing isolation and alienation between Jewish and African-American communities. (Recognizing, of course, that these are not mutually exclusive categories...

Dreaming the World Into Being

by Rabbi Adina Allen
Tuning into the news these days can feel like we’re trapped in a bad dream. The rollback of protections for the most vulnerable, the closing of our shores to refugees, the use of xenophobic, misogynistic, Anti-Semitic, homophobic speech by those in power and the resulting violence this has incited (to name just a few of...

“Love Trumps Power”?

by Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz
“Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit….” (Zechariah 4:6) Is that the way forward in 2017? Our rabbinic ancestors chose Zechariah’s important words as the prophetic message of Chanukah. In some ways, it’s an odd choice. In the Torah portion, Miketz, Joseph harnesses Pharaoh’s might and power to save the Egyptians from...

First They Came

by Rabbi Michael Adam Latz
Rabbi Michael Adam Latz's response to Pastor Martin Niemoller (z"l)'s "First they came" poem: "First they came for the African Americans and I spoke up— Because I am my sisters’ and my brothers’ keeper..."

Never Forget the Hungry

by Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld
This week’s Parashah, Miketz, contains the well known story of Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams about the seven fat cows being devoured by the seven skinny cows and the seven healthy sheaves of wheat being displaced by the seven sickly sheaves. Joseph, brought out of his prison cell to interpret the dreams, goes farther and advises Pharaoh...

To Change Or Be Unchanged

by Rabbi Rob Dobrusin
When we tell others the stories of our lives, we often find ourselves spicing up the narrative a bit as we tell and retell the story. It’s only human to exaggerate a bit, especially if our audiences don’t seem to be giving the stories the attention we feel that they deserve. Our additions add an...

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