Ending the Occupation

 “Cry with a full throat without restraint; Raise your voice like a shofar!” -Isaiah 58:1  Our approach to ending the occupation is grounded in human rights and a belief that all Israelis and Palestinians are created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of the Divine, and should be treated with dignity and compassion.  As rabbis and...
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Our Impact

We organize, train, and support more than 2,300 rabbis and cantors across 47 states and 5 Canadian provinces who are chaverim (members) of T’ruah. Emor, the Institute for Bold Jewish Thought, delves deep into Jewish wisdom, and facilitates conversations among rabbis, scholars, practitioners, and lay leaders that tackle the most important moral and political questions...
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Refugees, Again: A Learning and Solidarity Visit to the Bedouin Village of Umm al-Hiran with Rabbis for Human Rights

Join the Truah Year-in-Israel Program in partnership with Rabbis for Human Rights’s Tu B’Shvat Tiyyul to Tel Aviv’s Givat Amal neighborhood on Friday, February 10, 2017. The tiyyul is entitled We Are Not Invaders: The Mizrahi Struggle Against Eviction in Tel Aviv's Givat Amal Neighborhood. Learn about this Mizrahi working-class neighborhood’s history since its establishment in the 1950s.
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A Q&A with Charlottesville’s Rabbi Tom Gutherz and Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin

On Aug. 12, 2017 Rabbi Tom Gutherz and Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin of Charlottesville’s Congregation Beth Israel — the city’s only synagogue — confronted a nightmare in their backyard: the horrifying Unite the Right Nazi rally. T’ruah was the only major national Jewish organization with a presence at the counter-protests that day. T’ruah honored both rabbis...
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Tisha B’Av: Historic Catastrophe, Modern Catastrophe

10 New England Executive Park Ste 1, Burlington, Massachusetts  On the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, when we fast in remembrance of destruction and exile, we come together at the ICE office in Burlington to mourn the brokenness of our American immigration system. As children are separated from parents—not just on the southern border,...
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