Summer Fellowship

Jump to: Information for Applicants >> About the Fellowship The T’ruah Rabbinical and Cantorial Student Summer Fellowship in Human Rights Leadership offers a select cohort of rabbinical and cantorial students the opportunity to work in a human rights or social justice organization, learn about human rights in Jewish text and tradition, and develop their moral...
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T’ruah Human Rights in Israel-Palestine Summer Seminar

T’ruah Human Rights in Israel-Palestine Summer Seminar Monday July 18 – Thursday July 21, 2022 T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights invites rabbinical and cantorial students to join us for an intensive 4-day experiential seminar to explore civil rights and human rights issues in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Register here. Learn about...
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Hannah Jensen

Hannah Jensen is a rabbinical student at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, where she is expected to be ordained in 2022. She grew up in many places, but considers South Bend, Indiana home. She graduated from Carleton College with a degree in Cinema and Media Studies and French, before quickly fleeing Minnesota for coastal...
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