Headshot of Rabbi Andrea Goldstein

Ki Tisa: Democracies and Holiness Require Open Space

Only from an open and spacious heart can I experience a connection to what is holy. When I am focused on what I want and need, or when I am filled up with my own sense of righteousness, then what I have created within is actually a Golden Calf instead of my own small sanctuary.
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Photo of the author, Rabbi Ariel Tovlev

Emor: Peace Has No Sides

The path of peace is not an easy one; it cuts through the binary of right or wrong, victim or oppressor, hero or villain, us or them. The path of peace does not choose favorites, does not leverage one over another, does not create hierarchies. The path of peace has no sides.
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Our Positions & Policies

Two Sovereign States for Israelis and Palestinians The world is sustained by justice, truth and peace: דין אמת ושלום. As rabbis, cantors, and Jewish community members who love and care deeply about Israel, we believe that a just and secure future for Israelis and Palestinians will best be achieved by a negotiated resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...
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T'ruah Rally

About T’ruah

T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights brings the Torah's ideals of human dignity, equality, and justice to life by empowering rabbis and cantors.
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T'ruah Rally

About Us

Our Mission Our Strategies Our Name Our History Our Values Our Mission T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights brings the Torah’s ideals of human dignity, equality, and justice to life by empowering rabbis and cantors to be moral voices and to lead Jewish communities in advancing democracy and human rights for all people in...
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Tisha B’Av: Historic Catastrophe, Modern Catastrophe

10 New England Executive Park Ste 1, Burlington, Massachusetts  On the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, when we fast in remembrance of destruction and exile, we come together at the ICE office in Burlington to mourn the brokenness of our American immigration system. As children are separated from parents—not just on the southern border,...
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LA Rally for a Just Immigration Policy

Join Los Angeles’ interfaith community standing united in opposition to the Trump Administration’s inhumane policy of separating parents and children at the border. We will be gathering outside the Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices at 300 N Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 We call on Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security...
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U.S. Fellows

The T’ruah Rabbinical and Cantorial Student Summer Fellowship in Human Rights offers a select cohort of rabbinical/cantorial students an eight week experience working in a human rights/social justice organization in New York, learning about human rights in Jewish text and tradition, and gaining the skills to be human rights leaders in your own communities. Learn...
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