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Connecting Parshat Tazria-Metzora to the Moment in Israel

A resource for clergy speaking about Israel at 75.
The backs of an audience watching a T'ruah presentation.

Israel at 75 Resources for Clergy: Shabbat of April 21-22, 2023

As Jewish clergy we have an obligation to raise our moral voices against injustice being perpetrated at home and abroad.

Pride Month: Resisting Anti-Trans Pharaohs

by Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann
In a time when modern day Pharaohs are seeking to peddle fear, to oppress, and to erase transgender people, we can take our direction from our brave matriarchs.

Resources for Responding to Violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Prayers, text studies, divrei Torah, and general advice to the Jewish community, particularly American Jews, about how to help end the occupation.

Invite the Erev Rav/Mixed Multitude to join the seder this year 

by Rabbi Rim Meirowitz
This year I want to be a wise child who asks: “Can I be brave enough to go out and see who is suffering for my freedom?"

Come and Learn: A Modern Immigration Midrash

by T'ruah
Read at your seder table where your haggadah instructs you to read the midrash on “My Father Was A Wandering Aramean” during Magid.

Vayikra: Mincha and Roses

by Rabbi Lindsey Healey-Pollack
To stand for human dignity means not only insisting on the right to basic survival needs, but the right to live fully — to experience joy, pleasure, love, friendship, beauty.

The Other Side of the River, the Other Side of the Sea

by T'ruah
T'ruah's haggadah helps transform the seder into a conversation about immigration, racism, workers' rights, and forced labor.

Elevating Our Hearts and Spirits Towards Justice

by Rabbi Jonathan Biatch
The Mishkan was not just a compound our ancestors built; it is a state of mind that we can inhabit.

When Blood Boils: Learning to Channel Anger in Productive Ways

by Rabbi Ariana Capptauber
Anger is like fire that, when used productively, can power engines of change but when mishandled can consume anything in its path, including us.

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