T’ruah’s values drive everything we do in the world. Each of our values is rooted in Jewish text and tradition, which have guided and sustained our people for thousands of years. We live these values passionately and steadfastly, both in joyous celebrations and in the most difficult moments. These values are both experienced and aspirational. They compel us to elevate our work beyond the interests of an institution, beyond our individual egos, and beyond a transient news story. They guide us in our every interaction — both with those within our organization and with those beyond it — and are embodied in our policies, in our mode of working, and in our impact on the world.  

Dignity of every human being (Tzelem Elohim) – We strive to relate to every single person with the dignity, respect, compassion, and joy befitting creations in the divine image, each with infinite worth. This includes being an anti-racist organization that works to dismantle the systems that violate human dignity, and to replace these with systems of righteousness.

Justice (Tzedek) – We are guided by the Jewish obligation to build equitable structures and systems that protect and advance the human rights of all people.  

Integrity (Yashrut) – We ground our work – both inside our organization and in our engagement with others – in honesty, truth, responsibility, fairness, accountability, and unwavering adherence to our principles. 

Moral Courage (Ometz Lev) – Deriving fortitude from the wisdom of our tradition and the history of the Jewish people, we call upon our deepest strength to take risks, to speak uncomfortable truths, and to stand up to the forces that seek to weaken and dim the light of justice in the world. 

Relationship (Chavruta) – We believe in relationship before task. Externally, this means working in partnership with organizations led by those most affected by the issues at hand. Internally, this means seeing our colleagues as whole persons, who we support and nourish on a daily basis. We do not do our work alone. 

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