On #GivingTuesday, Nov. 27, 2018, every gift you make to T’ruah on our Facebook page will be doubled — that’s twice as many dollars lifting up the rabbinic moral voice we desperately need right now.

To make sure your gift is doubled, donate on our Facebook page after 8 a.m. (EST). Facebook and PayPal have set aside $7 million for this match, for all participating nonprofits — they’ll double each gift until the $7 million runs out, so please make your gift as soon as possible. T’ruah is eligible to receive up to $250,000 in matches through this program.

(We share the concerns many people have about Facebook’s practices. However, they do provide a secure platform for charitable giving — and offer this service free of charge, which is critical for nonprofits like T’ruah.)

Please help us build the powerful moral voice we need right now to stand up against the forces of extremism, fascism, white nationalism and anti-Semitism emerging worldwide.

Thank you for bringing your moral voice to standing up every day for the human rights of all people.

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