If you wish to make a tax-deductible contribution from Canada in honor of our 2025 Gala, you can do so:
Via online form OR via check made out to:
T’ruah Canada
℅ T’ruah
266 West 37th St Rm 803
New York, New York 10018
Be sure to include “T’ruah’s 2025 Gala” in the memo line, as well as the person you are honoring.
Please also share how you’d like to be listed on the Host Committee if you are giving between $720-$20,000+ (Ex: Rabbi Sharon Cohen, The Cohen Family, etc).
Giving Levels:
Honorary Chair ($20,000)
Human Rights Leaders ($15,000)
Healers of the World ($10,000)
Visionaries ($7,500)
Prophetic Voices ($5,000)
Righteous Ones ($3,600)
Pursuers of Justice ($1,800)
Guardians of Justice ($1,000)
Builders ($720)
Supporters ($360)
Virtual tickets are pay-as-you-wish with a suggested donation of $180.